Chapter 6 - I Got You

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"We're gonna be late if you don't stop."

Her words were coming out between slow deep breaths. I tried to listen and stop myself, but my hands were still massaging her ass which felt so full and perfect in my grip and my lips felt glued to her neck as I nipped at her vanilla scented skin trying to leave my mark. Seeing her in that dress did nothing to calm the blood rushing from my head to my dick. Pulling my tongue from her collar bone, I bite my lip resting my head where I had just eagerly bruised her.

"I'm not sorry. I knew you were gonna look good, I just wasn't expecting this." I knew she could feel the pressure of my erection pressed against her, just as I could feel how fast her heart was beating. Easing off of her and seeing how beautiful she looked made me remember she was mine, making me smile at the thought. I took the jacket she held in the crook of her arm, there's no way she's blocking my view tonight. "This is for you by the way" handing her the rose I had brought with me; I take the chance to appreciate her body one more time. Deep breaths.

I've never been this desperate for someone before, but she was more than worth my full attention. My past purely consisted of super skinny models and heiresses who did their best to maintain a slender look, so Alesha's body was new to me. She had curves and full breasts and ass, so much fucking ass. She blamed me for the weight she recently gained, something I've never been more thankful for. Her body made mine crave her touch.

"Thank you. You're getting that look in your eye again so let's get out of here before you attempt round 2." She starts walking ahead of me to the car, I take the opportunity to scope her out from the back. It's settled, I'm buying her that dress in every color. With what I do for a living, I've always avoided religion, but in this moment, watching this woman in front of me, I know someone up there put in work. 29 years to find her, if I told her how serious I was when I said I wasn't letting her go, she'd be freaking the fuck out.

"Hi, I'm Alesha." she held her hand out to my driver Roberto who's been with my family ever since I could remember. None of my exes had ever even looked in the old man's direction let alone introduced themselves.

We both looked at her surprised smiling. He took her small hand in his and spoke with his thick Italian accent. "Good evening ma'am, my name is Roberto. I will be your and Mr DeLuca's driver tonight."

Opening her door, his attention stayed on her as she started to speak again.

"Nice to meet you Roberto. The "ma'am" is not necessary, Alesha, Lee, A anything but ma'am." She laughed stepping into the car.

Roberto looked to me to approve what she said. I won't lie a part of me cringed at the thought of any man, friend or foe, getting too comfortable with a nickname. I'd rather Miss Moore now and Mrs Marino DeLuca in the future, but I reluctantly shrug an okay.

"Okay A." She smiled moving to the other side to make room for me. "I like this one."

"Me too." I slid in the seat next to her and Roberto shut the door walking to the drivers' side and starting the car.

"You've never told me to call you A or Lee. Why does he get to?"

"You hardly call me by my name anyway, it's always babe, bub, sweetheart or something else. I usually only tell friends to call me A. Is that what you want to be.. a friend?"

"If friends do what I want to do to you, then we can be best friends." She chuckled as I rest my hand on her thigh allowing her to wrap herself around my arm.

We were only 10 minutes into the ride to my grandparents' house and I could tell my baby was already freaking out about meeting my folks.

"Why are you so calm? Have you really done this so many times already?" She joked making me laugh.

"I've never introduced any of my.. companions to my family. Not intentionally anyway."

She looked at me with confusion written on her face. "Companions? Weren't you engaged to that Charlotte girl? Lot of exes bound to jump out of this closet huh. Do I wanna know what number I am?" She laughed it off, but I could tell it made her feel a little insecure about her own inexperience.

"Yes companions. Most of the girls I ran in the same circles with and others I knew through our parents' parties, galas and dinners. I never dated them, it was always purely physi-" I stopped myself before I could dig any deeper. "Charlotte was a mistake. One I learned from and managed to escape, but a mistake, nonetheless. I never actually introduced her; I think it's because deep down I knew my gang would never approve so it wouldn't have lasted anyway. We were having one of our usual family dinners and she turned up saying she wanted to surprise me. My grandma almost beat my ass when Charlotte told them we were engaged." Her brows raised at the revelation. "You are nothing like the rest, so don't psych yourself out."

Giving me a small smile, she nods turning her head away from me to look out the window.

"Hey.." I squeeze her thigh my hand's been resting on, calling her attention back to me. "You don't have to be nervous. I got you. If it gets awkward we'll throw the conversation to Raf and Dani." We were now in a full on laugh just thinking about how dysfunctional those two have been acting lately. She already looked so much more relaxed, I just stared in wonder. I sat back while she rested her head on my shoulder and for the first time it all felt right.

The rest of the ride was filled with mindless chatter and stupid dirty jokes. We even made a stop so she could buy a bottle of wine and flowers because she didn't want to turn up empty handed. I got the gist that she didn't want me to pay when after the fourth time I offered she covered my mouth.

 I got the gist that she didn't want me to pay when after the fourth time I offered she covered my mouth

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Once we got to the house, I helped her out of the car and we made our way to the front door. I held her jacket and the gigantic bunch of flowers that were way bigger than they needed to be, while she carried the bottle of wine.

Ringing the doorbell, she looked me over straightening my tie. I was laughing at her nervousness when the door opened revealing my grandparents. Grams' smile grew into a wide grin when her eyes landed on Alesha. Pulling her into what looked like a suffocating hug, she kissed her cheek before stepping back. I probably looked just as stunned as she did when my grandpa did the same thing a few seconds after she was out of Grams' hold. I have never seen the man so much as smile in the direction of anyone outside the family let alone hug and kiss them.

Grams was beaming and sent me a wink before turning her focus back to Alesha.

"We're so glad you could join us sweetheart! Christian's been a little tight lipped about you. Do you want kids soon?"

What. The. Fuck!


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JJ x

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