Chapter 24 - Okay, Perfect

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{Friday 4am}


"I swear I would've gone myself, but when I tried getting up the nausea had me spinning." He only woke up once he felt the bed and realized I wasn't next to him. Coming back from the bathroom, I managed to make it to one of the chairs before I could pass out on the bedroom floor, but I didn't want to worry him, he stresses over me and peanut way too easily.

Chris stood at the foot of the bed pulling on his jeans. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't have let you go anywhere by yourself, especially this time of night. Besides, these spontaneous food runs make me feel like you actually need me through this pregnancy."

"I'll always need you.. to get me food." I said taunting him, he let out a laugh shaking his head. "Seriously though, I know I'm driving you crazy, but I haven't slept more than 6 hours over the last 4 days and the only thing my body wants right now is that spicy deluxe sandwich, a strawberry lemonade and about 20 of those chicken nuggets. Or to throw up. Oh, and some chocolate for later too."

He laughed harder as he sat down to put his shoes on

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He laughed harder as he sat down to put his shoes on. "I will get you your chocolate, and as for sleep, is it the bump that's uncomfortable or are you still having those dreams?"

"Those are too real to be dreams, I'm telling you something doesn't feel right." I raised a brow, with a skeptical tilt of my head. "If you're not letting me come are you sure we can't ask one of the guys to go instead? Or you could just make me a bacon sandwich, and no-one has to leave the house."

He stood up picking up his hoodie and walked over to me. Pulling me up from the chair he placed a tender kiss on my lips, drawing back to look into my eyes. "You asked for it and I'm gonna get it for you. I'll be fine. We've talked about this, it's probably just mama bear nerves, I'll be okay." I gave him a look that let him know I was against this. He walked me over to the bed, turning me around for another peck. "We will be okay and our son will be perfect. If it makes you feel any better I'll take one of the guys with me."

"I don't know-" He leaned in for another kiss. I pulled him closer to me deepening it, loving how his lips moved against mine.

"If you want that food I'm gonna need you to let me go before I'm the one eating some chocolate." I couldn't hold back my laugh as he playfully squeezed my ass. He helped me into the bed, kissing me once more before pulling away and heading for the door. "I love you."

"I love you too. Don't forget the chocolate!"

"I'd rather die."

"Stop playing with me." I could hear his chuckles from the hall as I put my head down to relax.


{Friday 4pm}

I woke up feeling the most rested I've felt since being pregnant. Looking around the room, I notice that I'm alone and Christian's side of the bed is as cold and empty as he left it this morning. Reaching for my phone I tried calling him but was sent straight to voicemail. Trying another 4 times, I'm sent to the same robotic voice. Hoping he's downstairs waiting for my lazy ass, I get up and make my way to the kitchen.

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