Love Letters - Lee Minho

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Minho walked outside to his mail box to check for your letters once again. You never liked texting Minho sentimental things because it never felt real. Being long distance you took your chance and started sending him letters every few weeks to catch him up on what you were doing. He would do the same when he had the chance.

As he sat down and read the sweet letter he came to more and more realizations. You poured your soul and heart into these letters wanting Minho yo know how much you cared. He wanted to return the feelings but in real life, even though he knew he couldn't.


You had flown to Korea a few days ago to spend a few weeks with another friend who was in college there. Minho had called you over early in the morning because he said he had something important to tell you.

As you walked up the steps to his apartment, Minho had already opened the door and rushed you in. His hair was neatly done and he had been dressed for the day. You sat on a bar stool facing Minho on the other side of the counter.

He looked worried. Like he hadn't slept in days.

"We need to talk Y/N" he sighed

A wave of worry washer over you. You already knew where this conversation was going.

You slowly nodded and looked into his eyes.

"I think we should end this. I love you and I always will. But with my career I just can't handle this anymore. I don't want you to keep having to travel just to see me." He broke eye contact and looked down as his hands.

You stood up and walked over to stand in front of him. Tears stinging in your eyes. You wiped them away with your sweater and looked back at Minho.

"I get it I really do, and I'm not gonna chase after you cause you know I'm not like that." You said, your voice sounding hoarse from trying to fight back the tears.

He grabbed you hands and smiled at you.

"I love you." He quietly said

"I know." You weakly smiled

You slung your purse over your shoulder and headed for the door. Before you opened it you looked at him.

"Can I just do one more thing?" You asked

He nodded with a confused look. Thinking you were going to slap him he closed his etes and prepared for a playful slap. Instead you kissed his softly.

You pulled away and went back to the door.

"Goodbye Minho.." you said

"Goodbye Y/N" He waved as you shut the door behind you.

Minho walked to his bed at opened his bed side drawer. Pulling out the stack of letters you had written him over the past few months. He went through each one scanning over his favorite things you had done.

That one time you walked into the boys bathroom and ended up putting makeup on one of the jocks.

Or the other time you almost broke a vending machine because it wouldn't give you your Pringles.

He laughed as tears filled his eyes. He knew you were gone and he wanted you back, but he needed you to be happy.


A few weeks had passed and Minho hadn't stopped thinking about you. He opened his mail box once again, but instead of a package or bills; sat a letter addressed to him from you.

He sat his bag on the floor and sat at the table to open the letter.

"Dear Minho,
                I know I probably shouldn't be writing to you. I don't want to distract you. But I have things I need to say. First off, thank you. Thank you for showing me love. Thank you for giving me the chance to really feel happy. Through all the years of my life I and never felt feelings like that. A friend once told me being in love and loving someone was completely different. I never believed her, but you changed that. So thank you. I still don't know wether or not it's okay to chase after something you want. But I'm sure I'll learn one day. I wish you fun adventures ahead with the boys and your career. I didn't get to say I loved you that day because I couldn't think. But I do. Goodbye Minho. 

Sincerely, your favorite ex girlfriend Y/N :)

Minho laughed at your signature at the end. He folded the letter to and out it with the others. Swearing that one day he would find you again. But now wasn't the time.

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