See You Tomorrow- •Changbin•

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We back at it again with the sad imagines. I'm so sorry for doing this to y'all.


He always forgot about you. He always brushed you off as nothing. Then he would turn around act as if nothing happened. All you really wanted was someone who really was in love with you. Little did you know, somone unexpected did.

Yelling rung through the dorms louder than it had been 5 minutes ago. Chan and Woojin were in the kitchen planning on stopping you two before the other boys got home. Jisung had told Chan about his mistake a few days prior. Which is why Chan had sent the younger ones out with the others to keep them from the situation.

But the one loud crash upstairs that sounded like glass finally set Chan and Woojin off. They both frantically ran upstairs to stop you two from causing any further damage. Upon opening the door, was a panicked Jisung pacing around the room; and a devastated you sitting in the corner.

You locked eyes with Chan who was standing still in the doorway. As Woojin went to pull Jisung out of the room. Chan shot you a sympathetic look before he slowly walked over and sat next to you. The room was now quiet, all but the occasional sniffle or shuffle from your bodies.

Chan broke the silence by clearing his throat.

"You know he's sorry right..." Chan sighed

You shook your head and sarcastically chuckled. "That's the opposite of what he is." You said

Chan gave you a sorry look once again. The tears that you had been crying were making your eyes shine, you looked so vulnerable. Yet to Chan, so beautiful. But it wasn't right. He knew someone else was in love with you.

You both had been staring into each other's eyes for a while. Until a door slam pulled you out of your trance. You both cautiously walked downstairs to see Woojin, facing the front door. He turned to you two and shrugged.

"He'll come back." Chan shook his head.

3:23 AM

The falling rain had been hitting your windows since you got back from the dorms at around 5. You had been sitting by the window wondering about Jisung. You had asked Chan to tell you when Jisung cane back. He obliged, but you hadn't heard anything yet.

A knock from downstairs made you think that it was Chan coming to tell you something bad had happened. But instead, upon opening it stood a soaked Changbin with puffy eyes.

You pulled him inside without saying a word and gave him some towels so he could dry off. He sat on your couch, following your every move with his eyes as you put towels into the washing machine.

When you came back he tried speaking, but nothing but a rough sigh cane out. He shook his head and stood up.

"I don't really know why I'm here." He turned back towards the door.

You stopped him and gestured for him to sit down. "You're not leaving until the rain stops." You said

Changbin and you had never really talked that much. Maybe a few words, here and there when you out with the others. He stood out to you. You didn't understand why, but to you he was special; despite knowing nothing about one another.

"I'm sorry about Jisung." Changbin weakly smiled.

You smiled back and looked at him. "It's fine, did he ever come back?" You asked

"I don't know, I have been outside for a few hours." He said.

"Speaking of, is there a reason why you were crying?" You asked.

He cleared his throat. "Actually I wanted to tell you something."


He was fidgeting and darting his eyes anywhere but yours.

"I like you." He practically whispered it. You wanted to ask him what he said, but you heard him quite clear.

The room stayed silent and eventually he really did want to leave.

"Changbin wait!" You yelled, but it was too late. He had already opened the door was was ready to run.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said before shutting the door.

You regretted not saying something. You regretted not telling him how you felt. Especially when you laid in Jisung's arms. That memory of 7 months ago replayed every time you saw Changbin.

You knew you weren't in love with Jisung anymore. But you couldn't leave him. Even more so now, as Changbin kissed the same girl every day since the incident. There was nothing after Jisung.

But like Changbin said, see you tomorrow. He did, everyday; and it hurt more everytime.

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