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"How many times do you think you're going to keep getting away with this? You know sooner or later you're going to get caught."

Jimin merely rolled his eyes at his younger half-brother. He adjusted the hood of his cloak over his head to cover the silver strands of his hair, also fastening his utility belt around his waist. He took care in obscuring his sheathed sword from view under the folds of his robe.

"If said problem arises, I'll deal with it. But let's not trouble ourselves over metaphorical matters." Jimin coyly stated.

It was Taehyung who rolled his eyes this time as he muttered to himself, "Idiot must have a death wish." He may have been the more inexperienced of the two, but at least he had the sense to remain within the boundaries of the castle after receiving threats, especially in the depths of night.

"I heard that." Jimin chuckled as he hoisted himself atop his horse, promptly galloping away, away from Taehyung who remained alone in the stables.

"You were meant to!" He pointedly hollered after him.


"Mom, I'll be back soon." Eunjae clearly spoke, crouched close to her mother who sat unresponsive in her cot, covered in nothing but a thin, battered sheet. Eunjae sighed exasperatedly, glancing at her younger brother who sat, legs folded under him, on the dirty floor. "Keep the doors locked while I'm gone and don't open them unless you hear our special knock, you know the drill."

"Ay, ay." Her brother determinedly saluted, causing Eunjae's eyes to glaze with admiration. She briefly ruffled the curls on his head before taking one final glance at her mother and heading outside. She paused outside the door, tilting her lips up in satisfaction upon hearing the smack of the wooden slab being latched from the inside. Now that she knew the door was locked, she could head off with an easier mind.

Eunjae swiftly dashed down the familiar path from her family's tiny cottage—if you could even call it that—to the town marketplace. Once she hit the town square, she slowed her pace and drew her hood up to remain inconspicuous. Her eyes carefully analyzed numerous stands and shops in search of unattended products.

In her distraction, she stumbled into two rather large men who immediately retracted from her. She kept her head bowed, hood cloaking her features as she muttered in a fluster, "Sorry, pardon me." She hurried away without another moment's pass.

Eunjae browsed by several carts and shops before settling near a particular produce stand. She spotted some nectarines which she knew were her brother's favorite, and conveniently the designated merchant was busy quarreling with a customer off to the side. This was a golden opportunity.

Ever so slyly, Eunjae neared the stand, hovering her upper body over the display so that she would seem like any other civilian. While she tilted her head to the side to read a sign and hummed to herself, her hands made careful work of unzipping the bag under her cloak. She slowly picked a nectarine situated near her waist, slipping it into her bag and taking a glance at her surroundings. When the coast seemed clear, she repeated her actions until she'd successfully snuck 4 into her pack.

Before Eunjae could reach for another one, a burly hand snatched her wrist away and yanked her from the stand. The owner of the hand tossed her to the ground mercilessly, ignoring the whimpers she failed to suppress as he ripped her hood back.

Eunjae identified the man as one of the ones she bumped into earlier and cursed herself for her lack of precaution. She averted her gaze as the gruff man looked down on her.

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