Chapter 25

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Jimin heaved a bored sigh as his fingers thoughtlessly flicked through the thick stack of documents before him. After hours of skimming through tiny printed lettering, Jimin could only imagine the sort of hideous bags he would find under his eyes that would be unbecoming of a prince. He slacked into his chair tiredly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Not too long ago, Namjoon had dropped the papers off—an assignment from Jimin's father, of course. Though it was the last thing Jimin wished to be bothered with, the task had succeeded in keeping him busy, as well as allowing his mind to be occupied on something other than a radiant feminine smile, strong, captivating eyes, and dark chocolate hair he could only imagine spilling through his fingers as smooth as water.

Jimin blew out a breath as he shook his head. Too often, in recent days, had his new... companion?... been at the forefront of his thoughts. The sensation was all but foreign to Jimin, who had never once in his life allowed himself to become even the slightest bit vulnerable because of a woman, or his heart.

He couldn't pinpoint when, exactly, these feelings had begun to sprout. All he knew, now, was he was on a messy path that could not end well for both parties. But he couldn't help himself. The way she had been so defiant, her eyes glaring with a confidence that had been so refreshing to the prince who was so used to bending the will of those around him. Even with the position they were in now, with her finally being able to follow an order, Jimin knew it wasn't because of a lack of backbone.

No, unlike others who let fear rule their lives and allowed themselves to be pawns in other people's games, she was different. In this game, she was smart, choosing when and when not to create conflict or stir the pot. Jimin knew she was saving her moves for later, not letting anyone see what she had up her sleeve until she deemed it was the right time and suddenly, everyone around her found themselves in her line of fire.

A queen?, Jimin mused. In a world of pawns, Jimin had finally found someone that could match up to his level.

And what drew him in most was that one would never expect it. With a face of innocence, a gentle voice, a clever mind, it would be hard to believe the level of ferocity, of strength and perseverance and strategy, that lay underneath. She was a book waiting to be opened, an entity with more layers than Jimin could fathom.

And oh, how he wanted to strip her down to her very core and find out each and every layer for himself.

Jimin knew he was in too deep, and despite how bizarre it may have seemed and how expedited the feelings came along, he wasn't all that surprised. There is always that one person that can change the game for someone—someone who can stop their world and mold it in their hands and be the root of their happiness.

That, or be the cause of their destruction.

Jimin scoffed at the thought, a daring smirk spreading on his lips. He didn't think he would mind either of the situations.

Eunjae, he finally thought to himself. Just where will this story of ours take us?

Jimin glanced at the clock, ripping himself out of his deep thoughts to stand up and exit his office. For reasons yet to be known by him, his parents had implored him to dine with them for lunch. He already knew he would be in for a headache.

With swift steps, Jimin found himself at the dining room. The table was already set up, three plates placed before chairs, two of which were already occupied by his parents. No Taehyung or Jennie, he groaned in his head. This confirmed his dread. Lucky bastards.

As he approached his seat, Jimin flashed a cordial smile. With a bow and a greeting, he finally sat down, his back rigid and upright with anticipation of the conversation to come.

"How are those documents coming along?" Jimin's father asked. Just like him to badger Jimin from the start.

Jimin's expression remained placid. "Oh, they're coming. I'll have them ready for you by tomorrow evening."

"Very well." The king replied, cutting into his chicken as the air filled with awkward silence.

"You should eat, Jimin, you're looking much skinnier these days. It worries me." Jimin's mother urged gently. Her eyes were full of a sincerity that softened his features, and he obliged by taking a bite of chicken and asparagus. She smiled in content.

The king cleared his throat. "We've called you here to share some news with you."

Here it comes, Jimin thought. Too predictable. Jimin wordlessly waited for the ball to drop.

"At the end of next week, we will be inviting eligible bachelorettes from across the country and globe and holding a ball. It is at this ball where we expect you to find a suitable fiancée to marry by the end of the year."

Jimin's could feel the blood drain from his face as he dropped his fork on the table, suddenly feeling the urge to heave up the very little he had managed to consume. Composing himself, he eventually found his voice to speak up.

"I don't see how that is necessary."

The king looked displeased. "It's necessary because you are nearly 23. Your younger brother has already secured himself a wife meanwhile you, my heir, continue to fool around like a child."

Jimin was thrown into a slight panic. "But I already did what you asked and visited all those districts. And as for Taehyung, you and the king of Saelia set that up between yourselves."

"Even so," the king dismissed his words, "the time has come. I'm doing what I did with your brother and taking matters into my own hand. Nothing else would get done around here if I didn't."

Jimin gnawed on his lip in frustration as he shuffled his mind for another argument.

Jimin's mother spoke up this time. "It's not all that bad, Jimin. You've had your time to do as you please, but the time has come to step up. I was 19 myself when I married your father." She shot the king a nostalgic look.

"I should like to find my future partner for myself. I'd believed I had that right." Jimin finally uttered. He knew he was headed towards defeat in this conversation, but he couldn't just give in.

The king dropped his knife and fork and placed a firm fist on the table, causing the cutlery to bounce slightly. "Is that not what's being done? You can choose any one of the guests that will arrive. It's either that, or I accept the next royal family's proposal to offer up a princess and arrange it without you. The choice is yours."

Jimin's fists were clenched beneath the table, and he could feel the crescents of his nails painfully digging into the skin of his palm. He hated this, he hated feeling so powerless and lowly. But he had no choice. This was not something he could talk his way out of, and by the look in his father's piercing eyes, he knew refusing would put him in a lifetime of misery. He failed to speak for a few minutes as his mind whirled with contemplation.

Jimin's mother spoke again. "Think about it, Jimin. Dozens of beautiful, capable women all vying for your affection—trying to capture your heart. What makes you so hesitant?"

Jimin mustered a wry smile at her statement. There was no getting out of this. "I suppose when you put it like that, how could I refuse?" His mother's lips turned upwards in satisfaction while his father merely nodded his head, turning his attention back on his plate.

And despite his words, something about the way Jimin's stomach churned and chest felt heavy spoke quite clear how his hopes and spirits were slowly diminishing.


oh boy here we go
also i'm so sorry for the wait :( thank you all for your patience and support and love, so many people have stumbled across this story in my time away and i can't express how grateful i am ❤️

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