Chapter 36

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warning: this chapter contains mature content


There Eunjae stood in front of Jimin's bedroom door, her raised fist suspended in midair as she worked up the courage to knock on the prince's door. Eunjae was greatly anticipating the night, but she couldn't help the slight nerves that existed within her. She parted her hair over both her shoulders and smoothed back some baby hairs one final time before delivering two subtle knocks to the wood, bracing her shoulders back to stand tall and confident.

Eunjae was surprised when the door was suddenly thrown open, caught off guard by the fact that Jimin hadn't even bothered to check if it was her that was visiting him—her eyes widened slightly and eyebrows arched as she ogled first his eager expression, before traveling down his body to find it covered only in a plush white robe.

Jimin's wide grin blinded Eunjae as he grabbed the girl's dainty wrist and dragged her into the room, quickly shutting the door and trapping her against it; her back met the wood as both of Jimin's arms were pinned on either side of her head. In no time at all, Jimin had captured Eunjae's lips in a sweet kiss, his mouth moving languidly against hers as she took a moment to enjoy the sudden embrace.

After several savory moments, Jimin pulled back with a wet 'plop', a giddy smile adorning his lips. "I'm glad you're finally here."

Eunjae giggled lightly, trailing her palm up the length of Jimin's body before settling at the nape of his neck. "Clearly," she teased.

Jimin's forehead rested against Eunjae's after he briefly nuzzled his nose against hers. "Since the moment we parted, all I could think about was seeing you tonight. I was practically counting down the seconds until I could leave." The prince interlaced his and Eunjae's fingers so that he could guide the girl over to his bed. Eunjae could feel her heart pounding in her chest as Jimin's words only reaffirmed that she truly, wholeheartedly adored the man.

The two naturally found themselves in a position where Jimin's back was against his headboard, his legs parted so that Eunjae could rest between them; her backside was flush with his front as he circled his arms around her waist. She rested comfortably in his embrace, her head tucked in the crook of Jimin's neck as his chin brushed her ear. Eunjae's thumbs rubbed soothing circles against the back of Jimin's hands as he held her snugly. With a relaxed sigh, she felt completely at ease.

"Tell me about the rest of your night." Eunjae softly requested. She felt the rise and fall of Jimin's chest against her back as he inhaled deeply.

"It was dreadful, really. I envy that you could leave when you pleased." Jimin pressed a chaste kiss against Eunjae's temple before placing his chin on her shoulder, his cheek now grazing her own. "I had to dance with a few more princesses to appease my father. I'm sorry, I know that's not what you'd like to hear."

Eunjae dismissed his words with a shake of her head, tilting her face so that she could gaze into Jimin's sparkling coffee eyes. She offered him a soft smile. "It's alright, I know it was out of your hands." He gratefully returned her smile, and Eunjae waited a few more seconds before willing up the courage to ask her next question.

"So... what were the results of the night?" Eunjae carefully wordered her inquiry, hesitating as Jimin released a reluctant sigh by her ear, aware of exactly what information she wished to acquire. "Have you made your father happy?" She resentfully whispered.

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