Chapter 22

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Eunjae stood stiff as a board once the words left Yoongi's mouth. She was frozen in shock, utterly speechless.

Escape? Her mind repeated over and over in bewilderment. Eunjae nervously wet her dried lips as she struggled to form a coherent sentence.

The corner of Yoongi's lips quirked into a teasing smirk as he snapped his fingers in front of Eunjae's face. She blinked at him for a moment before waving off his intruding limb, taking a step backwards.

"I thought I lost you for a moment there." Yoongi chuckled.

Eunjae swallowed before speaking. "What do you mean 'escape'?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "And I believed you to be quick-witted." Eunjae frowned as her eyebrows furrowed in a slightly vexed nature. She crossed her arms, causing Yoongi to sigh and continue, "I'm here to take you away from the castle. For good. The resistance will shelter you in the coming weeks until it is safe for you to come out of hiding."

Eunjae nervously gnawed at her bottom lip. As tempting as the offer was, returning to her life of freedom with her best friend and family, she was in no present danger at the castle and had even provided better arrangements for her family. Her mother and Sungjae were receiving an allowance and provisions, which was Eunjae's only and most important mission. If she left the castle, she was more than confident Jimin would bring the process to a halt, and she even worried he might retaliate against her family. Eunjae didn't want her brother to have to live in hiding as well; he was still so young and deserved a happy, free childhood. Plus, it wasn't like Eunjae had any promising career developments back at home; no one had ever once given her the time of day.

Eunjae took another step back as she clutched her skirts. Yoongi glanced at her with refined patience, a mask of curiosity taking his expression. She softly murmured, "I'm sorry, but I can't leave."

Yoongi's eyebrow arched, though he didn't seem all too surprised. "Can't? You mean to tell me you wish to remain here, imprisoned?" He wondered genuinely.

Eunjae smiled softly. "Does it look like I'm imprisoned?" She shook her head to herself. "I need to stay here for my family. I'm all they have."

Yoongi matched her expression and chuckled disappointedly. "You're a special case, I must admit." He glanced around the empty area, observed for a moment how the glow of the moon shone through the lustrous willow tree, and sighed. "Well, this'll be awkward to report back to headquarters. Your friend Lisa is going to throw a fit, I can already envision it." He rubbed at his temple exaggeratedly.

Eunjae's heart squeezed at the mention of her friend.  "How is she doing?"

Yoongi shrugged and crossed his arms. "I've only interacted with Lisa once or twice, but she seems to be keeping her head up just fine. Though her eyes seem devoid of any vibrance."

Eunjae pursed her lips. Whenever she pictured her friend, all that came to mind were large, round doe eyes that sparkled as rosy lips and pearl white teeth spread into the widest possible grin. Her heart ached due to her best friend's absence. An idea came to mind.

"Would it be possible for you to set up a meeting for us?" Eunjae inquired with increasing hope. Her heart pounded against her rib cage with brewing anticipation.

A pensive look crossed Yoongi's face as he took into consideration the young maiden's request. With crossed arms and a brief glance back at the castle, he responded, "Are you even able to leave castle grounds?"

Eunjae pouted slightly as she thought it over. Surely over the span of time she'd been at the castle, her and Jimin had formed some kind of bond of trust. At least to her, it seemed as if they could rely on one another should the need arise. Eunjae's thoughts took her back to when Jimin had laid down his rules. He hadn't said she was outright not allowed to leave. She just required his consent and a companion.

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