Chapter 13

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Laughter filled the room Eunjae and Chaeyoung occupied as the two friends busied themselves with work. The two were tidying up the dining room in preparation for dinner later in the evening, a broom clutched in both's hands as they quickly swept the vast floor.

"I just have to meet this Lisa character! She seems like my type of person!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as Eunjae had finished recounting one of many humorous tales she and her best friend had experienced.

Eunjae smiled warmly as she swept some crumbs into a pile. "Yes, you two would get along quite well. I'm sure she'd want to meet you, as well."

Before the ladies could continue their conversation, a clearing of a throat cut through their chuckles and announced someone's presence. The two women's heads shot up to glimpse the newcomer, Eunjae's eyes widening as Chaeyoung quickly dropped into a bow.

"Your highness." She greeted as Eunjae silently bowed as well.

Jimin sauntered into the room with his hands clasped behind his back, his expression curious yet snarky. "Chaeyoung, Eunjae." He acknowledged with a nod of his head. The two stood upright. "I hope I wasn't disrupting anything."

Chaeyoung immediately shook her head. "Of course not, your highness, we were just finishing up."

Jimin's lips curled up into a courteous smile. "Ah, perfect, so you wouldn't mind if I stole your new acquaintance for the time being?" His tone was one of amusement.

Chaeyoung, again, shook her head. "Nonsense! I have everything under control."

"Thank you. Eunjae?" He now turned his attention to the said maiden. "If you would follow me." He then turned on his heel and strode out of the room, barely giving Eunjae time to process before she was tossing the broom to Chaeyoung and hurrying after him.

"I take it you're settling in just fine." Jimin remarked as Eunjae finally caught up to him, matching his pace as they walked.

She smiled. "Yes, I have. Chaeyoung has been lovely."

Jimin gave a curt nod. "She is quite extraordinary. I like to have unique individuals around, it keeps things interesting, wouldn't you say?" He gave Eunjae a pointed look.

Eunjae swallowed and cleared her throat. "I suppose so." The two approached a set of stairs, and as Jimin placed a foot on the first step to begin ascending, Eunjae faltered. Jimin halted.

"What, afraid of some stairs, are you?" He jested with a snide chuckle.

Eunjae rolled her eyes, causing Jimin's eyes to lock on the action. "Of course not. I haven't gone upstairs yet, I didn't think I was permitted."

Jimin heaved a dreaded sigh. "When you're with me, there are no boundaries. I'm the prince, remember?"

Eunjae pursed her lips at his cockiness. She chose not to answer; instead, she moved past him and quickly ascended the staircase, waiting for him to join her. When he did, Eunjae observed that his jaw was set and he didn't spare her a glance. He strut past her wordlessly, Eunjae following silently as they continued down several unfamiliar corridors before settling in front of a door. Jimin opened the door, allowing Eunjae to enter, cautiously, before he shut the door behind them.

Numerous cabinets and drawers lined the walls with ornate decorations sitting atop them. In one corner was a small, deep violet sofa. A dark mahogany desk was poised in the center of the room with silver embellishments, stacks of paperwork populating the flat surface. Behind it was a large, regal seat with velvet cushioning, a pair of smaller but similar ones placed in front. Matching velvet curtains draped cross the lofty windows set in the wall behind the desk. By now the storm had begun, and the pitter-patter of rain filled the otherwise sullen room.

Jimin dragged his finger along the smooth desk before settling himself against it, leaning back with his hands in his trouser's pockets. His deep eyes bore straight into Eunjae's.

"This is my office. You will be spending a lot of time in here, so I thought it best to introduce you to the space early." He explained boredly. Eunjae nodded with her lips twisted to the side as she examined the room. Jimin continued, "Truthfully, you'll be acting more as an assistant rather than a maid. I've been in dire need of an extra hand as of late; everything has become rather burdensome to handle on my own."

Eunjae hummed in acknowledgment as she neared the rather large bookcase that was sat in the corner of the room as she ran her fingers across the worn spines, pulling out a random one and glimpsing its leather cover. She chanced a glance at Jimin who was watching her with a dark gaze. "Why would you choose me for such a task?" She pushed the book back in place and turned towards him with crossed arms. "Surely there are more qualified and willing individuals than I."

The side of Jimin's lips tilted upwards as he pushed himself off the desk, his gaze drawn to how Eunjae's crossed arms accentuated her chest. His eyes flickered back to her face, where stray hairs fell from her updo to frame her cheeks.

"Look at me." He requested as he settled in front of her. She was reminded of the other night, when practically the same situation had occurred. She obliged, her eyes widened as the young prince lifted a finger to poke her forehead. "I chose you because you're resilient, and smart. You can think for yourself, and as much as that can get you into trouble, it can also be a great advantage. Especially since others will inevitably underestimate you."

Eunjae was awestruck at his words. It almost seemed as if he were complimenting her on her intellectual capacity, something she'd always doubted. She planted her hands on her hips as she looked away. "That's extremely kind of you to say, but you won't want someone like me—someone uneducated. I was unable to advance into further studies because I had to support my family. I never received beyond a basic education."

Jimin huffed. "If I wanted some average, dull, book-worm lackey, then that could have been arranged, but instead I assigned this position to you. There will be no dissuading me."

Eunjae didn't know what else to say. Her fingers twiddled together in front of her as she suddenly felt awkward. "Well, then, I hope I don't disappoint your expectations." She mumbled, insecurities bubbling within her.

"Wonderful. Now that that's settled, let's establish some rules." Jimin stated as he gestured for Eunjae to take a seat on the sofa. She did so, glancing up expectantly at him as he remained standing before her. "Rule number one: no talking back. If I give you a direct order, you must obey. Never interrupt me, either. Understand?" Eunjae bit the inside of her cheek as she nodded.

"Right. My second rule: do not be late. Unless you have a valid and significant reason, you must practice punctuality." Eunjae nodded again; this was understandable, she supposed.

"Next rule: under no circumstances may you leave castle grounds without my authority and without a proper escort. This would mean someone like Jungkook or myself."

"I wasn't under the impression I'd have the option to leave, anyhow, so that shouldn't be an issue." Eunjae bitterly spoke as she sat back into the sofa.

Jimin's eyes darkened as his jaw locked in agitation. His hand clenched as he spoke through clenched teeth, "Final rule: have respect; to dignitaries, to your superiors, and especially to me."

Eunjae rolled her eyes as as she challenged, "You've yet to earn my respect, my prince." The way she spoke the term held anything but cordiality as she rivaled the prince's cold, icy glare with a fiery one.

Jimin bent down to place his hands on either side of Eunjae's head on the backrest, his face hovering dangerously close to hers. His gaze was piercing as he intimidatingly spoke, "I should warn you now that failure to adhere to these rules will result in punishment. So I strongly advise you drop this attitude and learn your place." His hot breath fanned against Eunjae's face and the intoxicating aroma of his cologne invaded her senses; the combination made it difficult for Eunjae to concentrate. Jimin noticed her distraction as he leaned closer, causing her to recede further into the sofa. "You have not been impressing me this evening with your disrespectful behavior, and I will no longer continue to dismiss your actions."

He pushed himself away, giving Eunjae the space to again breathe properly. His back was turned as he said, "You may leave."



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