Chapter 17

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this chapter is dedicated to the lovely sparklingjin 💛 for your wonderful stories, and your friendship


Days had passed with Eunjae learning the mechanics of castle functions and accustoming herself with a daily routine. In the mornings she would assist Chaeyoung in setting up breakfast for the royal family. Immediately after, she would follow Jimin out and spend a large portion of the day simply completing whatever he required of her.

Like he had promised, Eunjae and the young prince had discussed accommodations for her mother and brother. They would be sent a monthly salary, as well as several furnishings for their home. Eunjae dared not request something as significant as a new home for her family, knowing that was a rather unrealistic possibility. She was grateful for what Jimin had been willing to offer.

Since that moment, Eunjae didn't seem to mind the prince's company as much as she had before. She'd detected a subtle shift in his behavior, as well, though she might have been reading too far into things. While Jimin remained, for the most part, consistent with how he usually was, ignoring most staff members with a cold and neutral expression mainly dominating his face, Eunjae noticed that, in her presence, his eyes seemed slightly warmer. Less hostile and uncaring. He'd also been less snappy with her, as of late, though she supposed this was due to her newfound willingness to behave.

It was also, she suspected, probably due to how busy he'd been. Had she not been there, he most likely would have forgotten to eat because of his nonstop work. Just two days ago he'd requested that Eunjae send word to the Lee's that he desired a meeting. Impressively enough, yesterday afternoon their response had managed to arrived. They agreed; they'd be sending the prince as their envoy. So, since then, Jimin has busied himself with preparing for the meeting, arranging guards strategically around the castle and deciding how to present his concerns. Or rather, his warnings.

The Lee's posed a threat to his kingdom, and he wouldn't just sit idly by. Eunjae admired his fierce, protective attitude.

Eunjae glanced out the window behind Jimin's seat in the office she'd occupied for most of the day. The sky had become a golden hue as the sun had begun to descend below the horizon, signaling nightfall. With a tired sigh, she stood from the small desk Jimin had allowed her to keep in his office. The action interrupted the previous quiet that had settled throughout the office as Jimin had been scribbling away on several documents, now staring at the standing Eunjae.

He arched an eyebrow in question, and Eunjae took this as a sign to speak. "It appears that it's now evening, so I'll be excusing myself for the night." She bowed her head.

Jimin nodded in acceptance. "Very well. Take it easy tonight, tomorrow Lee will be here and I expect you to be at peak performance."

Eunjae's eyes displayed her surprise. "You want me present at the meeting?" She wondered.

Jimin scrunched his face as if it had been obvious. "Well you're my assistant, so naturally you'd accompany me; record and document the entire exchange, too."

Eunjae bit back the quip she so desired to sass at him, sparing herself an argument. "As you wish, your highness."

The term coming from her caused Jimin's lips to quirk up in a cocky smile as an unfamiliar feeling swirled within him. My, did he certainly enjoy this.
He flicked his hand as he spoke, "You may leave now. Have a good night."

Eunjae tried not to dwell on the considerably nicer farewell he'd chosen as she exited the room with a final bow. Now familiar with the halls of the castle after having to whisk from corner to corner for Jimin, she found her way to her and Chaeyoung's room in no time at all.

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