Chapter 21

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The next day Eunjae spent assisting Chaeyoung, as Jimin had requested time alone to blow off steam after the insufferable meeting with Taeyong. Eunjae didn't mind at all; she hardly ever gets to spend time with her friend anymore with her being stuck by Jimin's side each day.

The thought also brought Eunjae back to Lisa, whom she missed dearly. The pair hasn't seen each other since the day Eunjae was brought to the castle, and Eunjae could only hope that Lisa was keeping her head up. Had the roles been reversed, Eunjae knew she would be beating herself up relentlessly for not preventing the capture. Lisa was practically an extension of Eunjae herself, and although she's been distracted by castle responsibilities, Eunjae felt her best friend's absence like a ghost of a weight on her chest.

Eunjae sighed to herself in her bedroom. Before she had even realized, the sun had gone down and nightfall blanketed the sky. One dimming candle flickered in the corner of the room, hardly making a difference in the illumination of the darkened setting.

The door burst open, followed by a cheery Chaeyoung carrying a silver tray with a rounded matching cover on top of it. The scent of the food wafted through them air and delightfully greeted Eunjae's senses.

"I brought dinner!" Chaeyoung exclaimed in excitement, as if this were the first time in a week she'd been granted a meal. Over the short time the two girls have known each other, Eunjae came to understand that Chaeyoung adored eating above all else—Eunjae couldn't blame her, either.

Eunjae eagerly hopped off her bed and clapped her hands together to match her friend's enthusiasm. "Thank God! I hadn't even realized how hungry I was."

Chaeyoung placed the tray on her desk and gripped the handle of the cover. "What are friends for?" She lifted the cover off, revealing two servings of rice, two servings of stir-fried glass noodles, and a plate of kimchi. "Hoseok treated us tonight, bless his heart."

Eunjae grinned. "Bless indeed. We can thank him later, after this is in our stomachs." Eunjae lifted her plate and bowl of rice and placed them on a table. Then, she went for a pair of chopsticks. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey Chae?" She called as she lifted the chopsticks, which held a piece of folded paper with her initials clasped between them.

Chaeyoung glanced over at Eunjae. "What's up?"

Eunjae held the chopsticks out for her to see. "What is this?"

Chaeyoung's expression turned puzzled. "I'm not sure. I hadn't seen what was on the tray until I just uncovered it."

"Hm.." Eunjae examined the item in her hand, then slipped the paper out from its holding. She tossed the chopsticks back onto the tray and sat on the bed, Chaeyoung placing herself by her side as curiosity drew her in. Eunjae unfolded the parchment, her eyes taking in the message that was messily scrawled on it.


Eunjae and Chaeyoung stared at the words silently for a moment before their stares met each other. "Who could this be from?" Eunjae wondered. "And what could they possibly want from me?"

Chaeyoung pursed her rosy lips. "I'm not sure. When I picked up the tray the kitchen was empty, so really anyone could have accessed it." She paused. "Are you considering going?"

Eunjae bit her lip as she mulled over her decision. On the one hand, she could end up willingly walking herself into a dangerous situation. For all Eunjae knew, someone out for her could be luring her to her demise. On the other hand, Eunjae was fairly certain she hasn't crossed anyone lately, and she was confident in her ability to defend herself.

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