Chapter 23

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The journey back to her hometown passed with pleasant conversation between Eunjae and Jungkook as they both occupied the same horse. Jungkook had offered to steer the steed, which gave Eunjae the chance to marvel at the scenery they passed through. With the coming of autumn, the treetops that once were a lively, vibrant green were now spotted with warmer hues; reds, oranges, and yellows mingled together to forewarn the coming cold. Eunjae had always adored this time of year.

"I must admit, I'm a bit wary to meet your friend again." Jungkook had revealed through a chuckle after Eunjae had explained her plans to reunite with Lisa.

Eunjae remembered back to their last encounter together, with the other woman having put up a solid fight against the guard. She laughed to herself remembering how Lisa had practically ogled at Jungkook before her and Eunjae separated on their respective tasks, claiming dibs on the appealing man.

"Lisa is one of the sweetest, most genuine people I know. You just have to get on her good side."

Eunjae was now strolling up a cobblestone path, Jungkook diligently by her side, as they travelled from the stables where they'd left their steed to the town square. Eunjae was brimming with noticeable excitement, and Jungkook was taken slightly aback at her display of emotion. Since her time at the castle, Jungkook hadn't seen this level of ardor or spirit from the young woman once.

Jungkook broke the comfortable silence that had settled upon the two as he graciously addressed, "You know, I should thank you."

Eunjae perked at his words, meeting his glowing gaze with her own. "Whatever for?"

The young man's thin lips spread into a charming grin. "For giving me an excuse to leave the castle for once. The change in scenery and atmosphere was long overdue."

Eunjae took in the relaxed nature of the typically alert guard. She supposed his line of work didn't allow for vacations often, if at all. With a warm expression, Eunjae companionably linked her arm through Jungkook's. Something about the man made her feel as though they'd been life-long friends, and she easily found herself comfortable with his presence.

"I'm glad I could give you this opportunity," Eunjae chimed. "Though, I should be the one thanking you."

Jungkook shook his head as they continued their pace towards the heart of the town. They'd already walked most of the way, as the narrow path had widened considerably into roads carriages were capable of traveling through. The two had also passed by several individuals, as the town began to slowly populate more, who had observed the pair with endearing looks, most likely assuming them to be a couple.

"Anything for a friend." Jungkook affably stated. He observed the environment around them as the streets became more crowded, stands lining the path they walked with a variety of products. It reminded him of his hometown, which he hadn't visited since Jimin had brought him to the castle.

"We're nearly there," Eunjae informed as they rounded a corner that consisted of the town butchery; Eunjae was as familiar with the streets of the village as she was the back of her hand. With eager steps, Eunjae quickened her and Jungkook's pace as the commotion of the busy location was now audible, signaling its close range.

Eventually the two approached the end of the cobblestone path which opened up to a vast span of area. Eunjae humbly took in the familiar sight as her eyes caught the water well that stood prominently in the absolute center of the town square. It had felt like forever since the last time Eunjae had been to the marketplace; before she had been arrested, when her and Lisa first embarked on their mission.

Eunjae loosened her grip from Jungkook's arm as she stalked eagerly ahead of him, her head whipping in every direction in hopes of spotting a familiar lean figure with short ash hair. She glanced up to the sky, her hand moving to block her squinting eyes from the radiant sun which was directly above her, signaling noontime. Jungkook quickened his steps to keep up with the smaller woman, also lending his eyes to locate the woman.

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