Chapter 16

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Eunjae stood with crossed arms as Jimin approached the pair by the window.

"I couldn't find you anywhere, and the princess required my company." She justified.

Jimin briefly glanced at Jennie who had been analyzing the two. His deep brown eyes set on Eunjae, a certain glint in them. "Nevertheless, you are to arrive when requested in a timely manner."

"Now, now, Jimin." Jennie stood upright beside Eunjae, locking arms with the girl with an easy grin plastered across her calm face. "I was the one that held her up, so lighten up on the poor girl. I apologize on both our behalves.

Jimin's hands were clasped together behind his back as he eyed Jennie with a disinterested, slightly peeved look. "Yes, well, the moment has passed. Eunjae, let's be on our way."

Before Eunjae could even roll her eyes, the padding of footsteps approaching the three individuals signaled the arrival of yet another person. With a carefree quirk to his lips and curious gaze, Taehyung strolled into the scene.

"What do we have here?" He inquired lightly, humming as he glanced at everyone. Eunjae noticed how his eyes seemed to hesitate right before skipping over Jennie's form with indifference. Jennie apparently noticed, too, as her shoulders sagged a bit; Eunjae held her arm tighter in reassurance. "The mysterious girl from the garden and my dear older brother- what a combination. Pray tell, what could this be about?" His finger hovered above his lips mischievously.

Jimin breathed out in frustration. "Forget whatever premature insinuations you could have possibly mustered in your head. This girl is my assistant and we will both be on our way now." Jimin grabbed Eunjae's hand in his, the girl emitting a "Hey!", before tugging her out of Jennie's grasp and whisking them down the corridor, away from the engaged pair.

After a minute of struggling to match Jimin's quick pace due to the awkward position of holding his hand yet trailing behind him, Eunjae halted their steps and freed her limb.

"I can walk on my own, thank you very much." She tilted her chin up and crossed her arms.

Jimin rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair, Eunjae's gaze trained on the movement. "I have a headache just from that occurrence. You all are insufferable."

Eunjae scoffed. "You're the one keeping me around. If I had it my way, I would be back home with my younger brother who, I should mention, can't fend for himself at the ripe age of 11."

Jimin's lips parted a tad at her words. "Surely your parents can manage without you."

Eunjae bit at the inside of her cheek as her gaze fell to the floor. She did not feel comfortable with revealing her personal life with the arrogant man at all. Brushing a wisp of hair out of her eyes, she responded, "I wouldn't like to discuss this at the moment, please."

Jimin's brows furrowed as he chanced a step closer to the girl. They had both stopped in yet another empty hallway, which allowed them some privacy. Eunjae warily glanced up at the prince to perceive his expression; it was more earnest than it had been previously. She was surprised he didn't decide to push the conversation onward.

"I apologize for bringing up a sore topic." Jimin's hand twitched to extend an assuring gesture, but inevitably remained clasped with the other. He observed how Eunjae's eyes glistened slightly, how the tip of her nose slightly reddened, and he wondered what could have possibly happened to this strong girl to hurt her so easily. "If your family is in need of any assistance, I can make some arrangements..."

Eunjae quickly shot her head up in bewilderment. "Why would you do such a thing? You surely don't owe me anything."

Jimin bit his lip as he tried to think of reasonable rational behind his words. Truthfully, he hadn't thought before speaking; the words just came out on their own. "Consider it compensation for your work here."

Eunjae pursed her lips. "But my work here is compensation for my crimes."

Jimin inhaled a deep breath. "One of the rules we discussed was talking back, was it not?"

The girl raised a palm defensively. "All I'm saying is-"

"My lord, woman, just accept or decline!" Jimin interrupted before he had to hear her attempt another counter-argument. "I'm simply trying to help."

Eunjae observed Jimin's more frazzled expression as he exclaimed his words. Her lips twisted into a smile, then a grin, before instinct threw her body towards the prince to engulf him in a hug. Jimin stood rigid and tense within her hold as her arms circled his torso, the side of her face against his chest. His hands were frozen by his sides as he registered the situation.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jimin asked, though his tone was not as assertive as he would have hoped. Something about the scent of orange and vanilla wafting up to his nose and gentle hands pressed to his body had him at a slight loss. He observed the intricacies of her updo and wondered how long it took to weave the silky strands together. Were they indeed as soft as they appeared?

Quickly, Eunjae pulled herself away, the bright smile on her face still very present as she regarded the man before her. Jimin adjusted his attire awkwardly before meeting her eyes.

"I was thanking you." She then bowed. "I will repay your kind actions."

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck as he briefly nodded. "Alright, well, I suppose we'll discuss the details together tomorrow before we begin our day."

Eunjae nodded obediently and enthusiastically. "Yes, sir." Jimin's eyebrows jumped at the term, for she had yet to address him in such a way. He cleared his throat before waving her off.

"Bright and early, then. Good day."

Just before he could stalk off to replay the events in his head alone in his office, Eunjae's words halted him.

"I apologize for being so forthcoming, it was inappropriate, I just couldn't help myself."

Jimin shook his head as his lips quirked into a smile. Eunjae's cheeks were beginning to redden as her actions finally dawned upon her.

"No worries. Just don't try that on anyone else." He responded. "Now go report to Chaeyoung for the day."

"Yes, sir." She obliged before hurrying off, leaving Jimin to stare after her retreating form, and to recover from a fluttering heart.


am i the worst? absolutely

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