chapter four

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I stare back at him dumbly, and after a second he starts smiling. "What did you even expect?"

I cross my arms, "I don't know how to pose without looking awkward. If there was someone with me then maybe it would look less awkward."

Namjoon squints his eyes, then snaps. "I have an idea. Jungkook can pose with you."

My eyes widen. "Him?!"


Jimin and Seokjin bursts out laughing, and Taehyung smiles widely.

Namjoon grips Jungkook by his shoulders and makes him stand next to me. "Kook, you wanted credit for your work. Therefore, you're getting credit by being in the pictures with her. Stop being a baby."

Jungkook huffs. "You know what? Fine. I'll pose with her. But if anything looks awkward then it's her fault."

"Alright guys, come on let's get this over with," Seokjin says.

Without warning, Jungkook slides off his shirt, revealing his broad chest and sculpted abs. Surprisingly, his torso doesn't have as many tattoos as I expected.

"W-What are you doing?" I ask, clearly flustered.

Jungkook scoffs. "It would look weird if you didn't see any of my tattoos." He wraps an arm around my waist and brings me closer to him, lessening the space between our faces.

"Wow go JK!" Jimin shouts as the other guys cheer and clap. What is going on?

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Seokjin says as a bright flash lights up our faces. I try to avoid eye contact with Jungkook, looking everywhere but his face. Unfortunately for me, he catches along with my act.

"Why are you avoiding looking at me?"

"Shut up," I mumble.

"Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous?"

"Then look at me," Jungkook says, voice quiet enough only for me to hear.

"Oh come on, do something else too," Taehyung whines.

"Look at me." Jungkook takes one hand off my waist, and tilts my chin up, making me look up into his eyes.

The guys start going crazy, but I find myself not even being able to breathe. His eyes. His freaking eyes. The way he's looking at me-it's like a piercing glare, but at the same time it's soft and delicate. His eyes are so dark yet filled with the light of a thousand stars. All of this darkness-all of this innocence-swirled into his pupils.

Hi tilts his head with a grin, "Huh, you're pretty cute up close, Haru."

"I hate you," I whisper. He lets out a small laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his breath tickling my neck.

When I think I can't handle being this close to him anymore, "Alright, that's a wrap!" Seokjin says, clapping his hands. I immediately pull away from Jungkook's hold, the guys cheering.

I run behind the back drop and throw my shirt back on. When I come back out, Taehyung runs into my arms.

"You did so well Haru-ssi!" He shouts.

"Thank you Taehyung," I say, breaking into a smile.

"I think you could've nailed these pictures even without Kook, Haru," Jimin says as Seokjin shows him the pictures. Jungkook scoffs, picking up his shirt.

Namjoon smiles, "I agree." Jungkook throws his shirt back down, gaining our attention.

"Yah! I was in the pictures too and I don't hear anyone complimenting me!" He whines, pouting. This brings a laugh out of even me.

"You were absolutely amazing and perfect in every way. There, happy?"

"Haru just complimented you, that's an achievement in itself." Jimin says before turning to me and winking.

"Sure, whatever." Jungkook smiles to himself as he throws his shirt back on.

After a moment, I sigh. "Well, I guess this is it then, huh?"

Jimin shakes his head, "You're free to come back anytime you want, Haru." Surprisingly, the sound of that actually pleases me.


Taehyung smiles, "Of course."

Seokjin leans forward, and in a loud whisper, "Namjoon and I will be here too. Please come as often as you can."

I laugh, "Of course I will."

Suddenly, Jungkook turns and coughs into his arm again, almost as violently as the first time I saw him cough. I don't what it is, but it doesn't sound like just a "bad cough".

It sounds like something inside him is breaking.

{ A/ N }

back with another update peeps. how's this one
for ya?

it was kinda short, sorry about that.

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