chapter fifty-seven

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Haru's POV

My phone buzzes in my hands, startling me. I lift my head up, immediately feeling soreness run through my neck from leaning it back against the chair.

I glance at the clock, which reads 4:19 am. "What?" I whisper to myself as I glance at my screen. Seokjin's calling.

"Hello?" I answer quietly, glancing at Jungkook who's sleeping.

"Haru, listen to me," Seokjin says. He sounds like he's panicking.

I stand up and leave the room, making sure to not disturb Jungkook as I open and close the door behind me. "Seokjin what's wrong? Why do you sound so worried?" I make sure to keep my voice low, as other people are probably sleeping too.

"Are you out of the room? You're not near Jungkook right?" he asks.

"I'm standing outside his room now because I don't want to wake him up."

"Okay," he pauses, taking a deep breath, "Don't panic, but something really, really bad happened."

Naturally, my heartbeat begins quickening, "What? W-What do you mean? What happened?"

"There's been an accident. Jungkook's dad died."

I gasp, heart thundering in my ears. "What?!" I shout-whisper. A million questions are swarming through my head as I glance at the door. Jungkook's sleeping, unaware of this entire situation.

"His taxi got hit by a bus about an hour ago. When the paramedics arrived, him and the taxi driver had already died. The guys and I just found out about this through some news channel."

I curse under my breath, pushing back my hair, "W-What am I supposed to do? We can't tell Jungkook about this yet."

"I know, but he's gonna find out sooner or later. It's better to break the news before he sees it for himself."

I frustratedly sigh, upset with this whole situation. "Seokjin can you guys...can you guys please come over to the hospital?"

"We're on our way right now."

"Okay," I say, my voice strained.

"Listen baby, take a deep breath and stay calm. We're coming."

I don't know what it is, but being by myself is now making me feel...claustrophobic. It feels like I'm suffocating in all these problems. Even though everything bad is happening to Jungkook, it feels as though everything is happening to me.

Why, just why Jungkook? Jungkook was given a terrible hand in life and is forced to deal with it, yet he still manages to keep a smile on his face.

First he deals with family struggles, then with money, then with being sick. And now this?

It's unfair. It's really, really unfair.

And now that Jungkook's father is no longer an option for being a donor, that only means one thing.

I'm gonna do it.

{ A / N }

i just wanna let you guys know that
i'm working on a lil project that's gonna be
revealed reallyyyy soon


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