chapter thirty-four

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Jungkook's POV

I walk out of the restaurant, humming. I stop in my steps, hearing a noise. It sounds like someone's crying. I walk to my left, getting nearer to the sound when I realize...

Is that-

I run to the side of the restaurant, and what I see makes my heart drop.

Without thinking, I run up to him and yank him away from Haru. The smell of alcohol wafts off him as I throw a punch at his jaw.

He stumbles back, but retreats and swings his leg into my stomach, making me fall hard onto my back.

I feel the taste of iron in my throat. No, please not now.

I try to sit back up, but he throws a rock towards me, striking my cheek. I hiss in pain, but force myself to stand up.

"Jungkook!" Haru shouts, rushing towards me.

My eyes widen as I see the guy turn his head towards her.

I shout, "No! Haru don't-"

The man shoves her hard, making her fall back. "HARU!"

I feel anger course through my veins as I stand back up. Get it together, Jungkook. He's drunk. You're not.

I run towards him, tackling him to the ground. I straddle him, holdings his arms down. "Who are you?" I mutter through gritted teeth, punching his jaw.

The taste of iron fills my throat again.

I see a flash of terror run through his face as I tighten my grip on him. "Who are you?" I ask again, practically growling.

His face contorts into a look of horror, blood running down his face. "P-Please, let me g-go. I won't b-bother her ag-gain."

"You better not. Be grateful I'm letting you go with working arms and legs."

I release him from my grip and he scrambles back, getting on his feet and running off. I huff, when all of a sudden I feel my stomach bend. I turn and cough, making sure Haru doesn't see a speck of crimson.

I quickly turn to her, a frightened look coating her pale, tear-stained face as she sits slumped against the wall.

I bend down and immediately bring her into my arms as she begins sobbing. Her small body trembles in mine. "I'm so, so sorry for leaving you here Haru. I should've-" a lump forms in my throat, tears flowing out of my eyes. "I'm so sorry."

She turns and looks up, "Jungkook, you're hurt," she says, pain coating her voice.

I lift her chin up, keeping my other arm around her. "Don't worry about me. What did he do to you? Are you hurt bad?"

She shakes her head, "No I'm not hurt bad," tears continue to stream down her face. "He wasn't able to do anything too bad because y-you came." Her hair's been messed up, one of the straps of her dress hanging down her shoulder. Bluish-purple marks dot her neck and collarbone, making anger rage through me even more than before.

I pull her back into my embrace.

"It's okay, Haru. I'm here now. I'll always be here."

{ A / N }

ok but why am i so bad at writing scenes like this

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