chapter twenty

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I squint my eyes, feeling the sun shining on my face. I hear someone humming, and turn my head to see that it's Jungkook.

A shirtless Jungkook. With wet hair. And only a towel around his waist. Holy moly.

He turns around, and I immediately close my eyes again, pretending like I'm still sleeping. I hear his footsteps approaching the bed, my heart starting to pound hard.

His footsteps get closer and closer, until I feel his presence right next to me. I feel his hands grip the edge of the bed, and I can tell he's leaning down.

His face is right next to mine. I can feel his soft breaths getting closer and closer until-

"You know, you're really bad at pretend-sleeping."

I slowly open my eyes, my cheeks flushing pink.

"Good morning, princess."

A smile takes over my face as I turn the other way. "Shut up."

He grips my shoulder and gently shakes me. "Get up sweetheart. We have a long day ahead of us."

"I'm not gonna get up until you put some pants on. Oh and also, don't ever call me sweetheart again, please."

"I'm already wearing boxers, it's not like you're gonna see anything." I hear him snort. "Unless you want to."

"Oh my gosh, shut up." I throw the covers off and stand up, throwing a glare at him. "Pervert," I mumble, heading into the bathroom. I hop into the shower, steam fogging up the mirrors.

I hum to myself, the warm water hitting every inch of my skin. I look down at the tattoo, admiring the petals. And come to think of it, I might just like the look of his initials.

They add a special touch.

I turn the water off and stick my head out of the shower curtain, scanning the area for my towel. I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around my body, wiping a hand across the foggy mirror. I hum to myself while blow drying my hair, only because the blow dryer is much louder than my voice.

I would never hum, much less sing, in front of Jungkook. It's too embarrassing.

I turn the blow dryer off and turn to my clothes. My clothes. Oh no.

I curse underneath my breath, rummaging through the towels and looking around the bathroom to see if I can find them. No luck.

"Oh God, why." I frustratedly run my fingers through my hair, sighing.

What do I do? I can't ask him to bring me my clothes, that would be weird.

But honestly, what other option do I have?

"Okay, Haru. Just ask him to bring them to you, it's not a big deal," I whisper to myself.

I clear my throat, "Um, Jungkook?"

I wait for him to respond, but he doesn't say anything. Right as I open my mouth to call out his name again, he responds. "Yeah?" Oh gosh he's right next to the door. I check to make sure that it's locked, just in case.

"I kinda...forgot my clothes outside. Could you get them for me?"

I hear him chuckle. "Yeah, sure. Where are they?"

I bite my lip, trying to remember. "Hmm...I think I left my outfit on the table next to the window."

"Umm..yeah they're there. One second."

I unlock the door so that he can get in. "Okay wait until I say you can come in-"

Without warning he swings the door open.

{ A / N }

to everyone who's stuck around until this chapter, thank you!
i wuv you💜

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