chapter twenty-eight

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So we decided not to go to Gucci.

Partly because I forced him not to, and partly because the workers were incredibly intimidating.

Jungkook leads me into another store nearby. "I have no idea how Taehyung does it. He goes there all the time, but how? Those people were so intimidating."

"I know, they looked really rude," I say, looking around the store. It has cute dimmed lights hanging from the ceiling, illuminating every inch of the shop. It's not big, but it's really pretty.

Cocktail dresses hang from the racks, some longer than others, some more sparkly than others. The shop has a light scent of warm cinnamon floating through the air, making the atmosphere more cozy.

Jungkook starts looking through some of the dresses. "Let's find a dress for you. These are all really pretty."

"Okay, but I'm paying for it. I don't want you to spend your money on me."

He directs his gaze onto me for a moment before softly smiling and looking back at the dresses.

After a few minutes, I notice two girls walk towards the same rack as us. One of them has dyed pink hair, and the other has platinum blonde hair. They're both wearing clothes that aren't exactly...appropriate for the mall.

At first, they only look at some dresses across from us, but then they start whispering and giggling, pointing their brightly painted, diamond-studded nails at Jungkook. Seriously, how much more obvious can they be?

The pink haired one clears her throat. "Hey, excuse me?"

I look up, assuming they're taking to me. "Yes?"

She rolls her eyes, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to him." She gestures towards Jungkook, who's now looking at the both of them.

Jungkook's eyes are wide and doe-like as he stares at them in confusion. "You were talking to me?"

"Yeah," the blonde one says, making her way around the rack. "What's your name?" She asks, getting closer to him.

"Jungkook," he responds, slowly moving back.

The pink-haired one smirks, "That's a really sexy name, in my opinion."

I stare at them, trying my hardest not to burst out laughing. What kinda flirting is this?

The girls notice me staring, and immediately frown. Their eyes turn snake-like as they make their way towards me.

The blonde one glares daggers at me. "What are you looking at, hm? Jungkook?"

Before I can say anything, bubblegum head steps in. "He's way out of your lane, honey. Don't even try to flirt with him. You're just a-"

"Actually," Jungkook quickly comes to my side, "I think I'm just a tiny bit out of your lane. You really don't know how to flirt, huh?"

The girls stare at him, jaws agape.

He wraps his arm around my waist. "And if you're gonna flirt with me, do it when you've just eaten a breath mint."

A smirk makes its way onto my face, making the girls angrier than ever. "You know what?" the blonde one says, "Screw you guys!"

They angrily turn and begin to walk away when Jungkook speaks up again.

"Oh and also," he pulls me closer to him as the girls turn around, "Never say anything like that to my girlfriend ever again."

{ A / N }

lmao please don't overthink the ending haha

just a reminder to make the best out of your day
today, whether you're about to go to school (like i am)
or whatever you'll be doing today. have a great day!

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