chapter sixteen

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Haru's POV

Jungkook swings the door open, revealing the room. A bathroom is on my left as we walk in, and there's a small circular coffee table with a chair next to a large window, which reveals a gorgeous view of the sea. A couch sits against the same wall as the coffee table, and a plush gray throw blanket is draped across the top of it.

A large TV rests on the wall across from the bed-one bed.

I glance at Jungkook and I can tell we're thinking the same thing. He shrugs. "I don't mind the couch."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get cold."

He chuckles, squishing my cheek, "I'll be okay."

Over the span of time that I've known Jungkook, I've come to realize how much he laughs. Or just smiles in general.

And it has got to be the cutest thing ever.

I plop down on the bed. "So, what should we do first?"

He sits down next to me, wrapping his arms around me and leaning his head on my shoulder. He closes his eyes. "Maybe sleep."

His soft dark hair is brushing against my face, and it takes everything I have to not run my fingers through it. "Good call."

He gets up and walks over to the couch. "Let's take a one hour nap, and then we should get going. The sooner we start our project the sooner we'll finish it." He lies down on the couch and wraps himself in the throw blanket, getting comfortable.

"Are you sure you don't want the bed?" I ask, and he nods.

"This couch is comfier than it looks, I promise," he mumbles. I can tell he's already falling asleep.

I let my hair down and take my shoes off before sitting back down on the bed. "Jungkook?" He doesn't say anything, indicating he's asleep. I take an extra blanket from the bed and walk up to his sleeping figure. I drape the blanket over him, tucking it under his chin.

He looks so calm and peaceful, each breath soft and slow. His thickly-lashed lids shield the chestnut irises that glow underneath. The dim lights make the angles of his face smooth, casting delicate shadows over the panes of his face. His dark hair covers the tops of his gently arched eyebrows, covering the piercings shining underneath.

In moments like this, I realize how much of a little boy Jungkook really is; how soft of a heart he truly has. All of that is just covered up by his appearance, and maybe by the first impression he may give.

But now that I know him-the real him-I've come to like him more than I though I did. Much more than I thought I did.

He likes someone else-but I find myself looking forward to seeing him everyday.

All those smiles are probably created by someone else-but I find myself falling in love with each of them.

The glittering of his eyes is caused by someone else-but they never fail to mesmerize me.

His heart is beating for someone else-but mine seems to be beating for him.


How is all of this happening to me? How has he captured my attention like this? How has he placed himself in such a special part of my heart in such little time?

I always thought feelings like this would take months-years maybe-to develop. But they decided to join me earlier than I thought. Unexpectedly, actually.

I let out a small sigh and make my way back to my bed. I set my alarm for an extra hour before getting cozy inside my blanket.

I glance at Jungkook's peaceful figure one more time, before getting pulled into the depths of my dreams.

{ A / N }


next chapter is going to be very very very very short btw

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