chapter fifty-three

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My eyes slowly drift open, seeing people filing down the aisle of the train.

Jimin and I somehow managed to fall asleep, his head leaning on my shoulder my head leaning on his head.

I gently nudge him, sitting up straighter. "Jimin, it's our stop."

He slowly opens his eyes and rubs them. They're now puffy, but not as pink. I probably look the same.

He sits up straight, yawning. "We're already here?"

I nod, "Mhm. I think the train has been stopped for a while too."

"Let's leave quickly then, it might take off again soon." Jimin stands up and begins walking down the aisle, me following behind him.

As soon as we step outside, the sticky, humid air clings to my skin.

"The rain stopped," Jimin says, looking around.

I stretch, loosening up my muscles after sitting for so long, "I haven't been in Seoul for years."


"Yeah, I'm a Busan girl. My heart will always be in Busan."

Jimin smiles, beginning to walk toward the building, "That's another reason why I like you. No, I love you."

I giggle, "I love you too."

After getting through the train stop, we find ourselves back outside. I sigh, "Alright, now where do we go?"

"I have the address to his house on my phone. Let's hail a taxi real quick."

I watch the cars go by, suddenly feeling jittery. A nervous feeling creeps in my stomach as I realize who I'm meeting.

Jungkook's dad. Jungkook's dad.

• • •

We hop out of the taxi, thanking the driver. I look up at the large house in front of us.

It's beautiful, built with tan stucco and stones. The long windows have white, crisp frames. A couple rooms on the upper floors have balconies with them, and flowers decorate the front porch. The grass is cut clean with a long stone pathway leading to the front porch.

I gulp, looking at Jimin. "Sh-Should we start walking in?"

His eyes hold the same fear that mine do. "I guess so," he says reluctantly.

Why am I scared? I feel like he's gonna come out of the house and attack me even if I breathe the wrong way.

Before I know it, we're standing right in front of the door. It looms over us, staring back at us. Jimin reaches over and rings the doorbell, making me even more nervous.

"I'm scared," I whisper, heart thundering in my ears.

I feel Jimin's hand occupy the empty space in mine, keeping it from trembling. "We'll be okay, don't worry."

Finally, after what feels like forever, the door opens.

I gulp.

{ A / N }

operating on three hours of sleep, currently

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