chapter fifty-five

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Jimin and I begin walking into the hospital, but Mr. Jeon stops in his tracks.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Jimin asks.

Mr. Jeon's head is tilted back as he looks at the hospital looming above us. "I-I don't know if I'm ready to see him yet."

Jimin and I glance at each other before turning to him. "It's okay," I reassure him, "We wouldn't have brought you all the way here if we knew that Jungkook didn't want to see you."

He looks at us, hesitant, "A-Alright."

We turn back around and walk into the hospital, the atmosphere darkening my mood again. I didn't realize how much I hated hospitals until now.

We arrive back at Jungkook's room, and I find myself getting nervous. What's Jungkook gonna do when he sees his father? What's his father gonna do when he sees Jungkook?

I glance at Jimin, and I can tell he's nervous too. "Here goes nothing," I whisper, turning the doorknob.

The guys are all sitting down, Hoseok being the only one up, standing next to Jungkook's bed.

They all immediately turn their heads toward us, expressions exactly the same; shocked, angry, upset.

But Jungkook...Jungkook's expression isn't readable. At all.

• • •

Jungkook's POV

He hasn't changed at all. The same composure. The same hair. The same creases on his forehead from frowning too much.

But this time, he's not frowning.

He's crying.

He actually came to see me. He got on the train for two hours to come here to Busan. He's not yelling at me for something I did. He's not throwing a stream of curse words at me.

Tears begin brimming at the edges of my eyes. "D-Dad?"

At the sound of my voice, he breaks into a sob and approaches me with open arms. "I missed you, Jungkook," he says, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"I missed you too," I say, pulling away. "I'm sorry for everything I did. I shouldn't have-"

"No, you don't need to apologize for anything," he interrupts me, "I should be the one apologizing. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I didn't fulfill my job as your father."


He gulps, "If I were you, I would hate me too."

"Dad," I sob, "I may be angry with you, but that doesn't mean that I hate you. I still love you, dad."

"I love you too," he whispers, bringing me into another embrace.

I haven't felt a hug like this since...since never. I never knew I would be in this position with my dad by my side. I never thought that we would ever exchange the words "I love you" with each other.

But we just did.

And now as I look around me at my brothers, my Haru, my dad-I know dang well that I'm gonna make it through this alive.

I'm not gonna let myself die.

{ A / N }

goooo jungkook you got this baby

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