chapter eight

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"What are the odds that I end up being your partner? There's like-I don't know-fifty-something people in that class? And I end up with you?" Haru says, sounding more distraught than I thought she would be.

I sip my bubble tea as we walk side by side, playing around with the squishy tapioca beads in my mouth. I insisted that I get some for her, but she declined, saying she wasn't in the mood. I certainly don't have a problem with being her partner, I don't know why she hates it so much.

She huffs, fog escaping her lips. "Yah, shouldn't it be the other way around? You hated me when I first went to the shop, and I was okay with you until you started being a jerk. You should be the one not okay with this, not me."

I raise an eyebrow, "Who said I hated you?"

"Your actions."

I stop walking, stunned. "Was I really that mean?"

She narrows her eyes, "You can even ask Taehyung and Ji-"

She suddenly stops mid-sentence, eyes widened. "Shoot I just remembered something. Sorry, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Before I can say anything she paces away, leaving me by myself. She's like a little chipmunk, cute and small and always up to something. I smile to myself, seeing her delicate figure disappear into the distance.

• • •

Haru's POV

I frantically ring his doorbell, knowing that he's probably getting annoyed. I didn't even text him before I came. Finally, the door swings open.

"Taehyung...I really should've texted you before I came." I stare at him, starting to feel bad. He looks sick. He has a fluffy blanket with dinosaurs on it wrapped around his shoulders, and his nose is as red as a tomato. His hazelnut eyes look puffy and tired.

I expect him to shoo me away, but instead he just grins happily. "It's okay, I'm always up for company." His voice is low and raspy, and I can tell he has a stuffy nose. He ushers me inside, and I look around in amazement. I'm surprised at how well-kept his house is.

The lights are soft and dim, the couches have blankets draped on them, intricate paintings decorate the walls, and the fireplace is glowing warm.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, and he just points to the boxes of tissues on a small coffee table.

"I have a fever and I don't really know how to make myself feel better. But I'll be okay." I sit down along with him, sinking into the plush couch. Looking at him like this really shows how much of a little kid he really is. He just looks so small and squishy.

"Awh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to do anything for you? I could make you soup or get some medicine if you want," I offer, but he shakes his head.

"It's not necessary. I think I can make it through. But enough about me, what brings you here?"

My expression immediately goes blank, and he furrows his brows. "What's wrong?"

"Just...okay. I'll try to tell you in the quickest way possible. Just please don't freak out."

He nods, wrapping himself tighter in the blanket.

"So basically I was wondering if Jungkook ever talked about this one girl to you guys and they said he didn't and then they were like 'oh you're jealous' and I was like 'no I have a boyfriend' and then they kept bugging me and asking me who it was and then I-I kind of s-said it was y-you." I feel myself shrink with the last few words.

He just looks at me, his facial expression completely blank. He blinks. "You told them that we-me and you-were dating?"

I slowly nod, and he smacks his forehead. "Haru-ssi," he whines.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do or what to say, it just came out of my mouth."

"Okay just-wait, why were you asking about Jungkook in the first place?" He tilts his head, causing his black bangs to shift.

"Please not you too," I whine.

"You like him don't you?" he whispers, narrowing his eyes. I start shaking my head, but he continues, "You like him. You totally like him!" His voice progressively gets louder, and I smack him.

"HARU LIKES JUNGKOOK OH MY GOSH!" he shouts, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Yah! I don't like him now shut up!" I shout back, making him sit down. "I don't like him and never will. Now may I remind you that we have bigger things to worry about?"

He continues grinning, trying not to laugh. Such a kid. "Okay, so we have to act like we're dating?"


"So I have to act really flirty with you?"


"And I have to pretend like I like you?"

"Yes. Wait-hey! What do you mean pretend?" I smack his arm as he chuckles.

"I was kidding Haru-ssi. Now, tell me what I have to do."

"I don't know, just act like how you did before, but more open with me...I guess." I slump back. Why did I have to be so stupid?

"That won't be a problem. And hey," he nudges me with his elbow, "It's gonna be okay. We'll figure it out-together. Okay?"

I nod, giving him a smile, "Thank you, really."

"No problem. Meanwhile, I'll be looking for ways to tell Jungkook that you like him."

{ A / N }

just to clear any potential misunderstandings,
haru and taehyung aren't actually dating. when
they were asking her who her "boyfriend" was,
she didn't know what to say, so she just said his
name :)

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