Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Elizabeth's POV

I sneak out of the alley I usually stay in and walk towards one of the houses. After a few minutes of walking, I reach said house and walk up the stairs, knocking on the door a few times. I hear shuffling and roll my eyes, putting my hands on my hips. The door opens to reveal a boy with dark blonde hair and grey eyes. I lift an eyebrow "Ya' done?" I ask as I walk into the house, not waiting for an answer. "Hello to you too, Izzy." Farlan, the boy who opened the door, says chuckling, being already used to my behavior. "Can you not call me that?" I ask, looking at said boy with a small glare. "Nope." He says while ruffling my hair. I pout and he walks to the couch, sitting. I roll my eyes and look at the raven haired man in front of me. "Anything new, Levi?"

"Tch. Unless you count you barging in, then no." He says monotonously. "Well, I didn't technically barge in. I knocked, then walked in." I say while sitting on the couch next to Farlan.

He rolls his eyes, sits in his chair and keeps cleaning his small knife.

We keep talking for a few more minutes, until there's a thud at the door. We look at each other and stand up. I take out my knife from my boot and stand next to Levi, while Farlan stands on the right side of the door, waiting for Levi's signal to open it.

Levi nods and Farlan throws open the door. A redheaded girl falls in, face planting on the floor. "Tch. It's just a kid." Levi says as he walks back. "I am not a kid!" The girl says as she looks up, revealing green eyes. I gasp and quickly dive behind Levi's chair.

As they keep talking I block them out and get lost in my thoughts.

'What is she doing here?!'

'Did she follow me?!'

'Did she get followed?!'

After what felt like forever, someone grabs me by the back collar of my shirt and pulls me up. I let out a small yelp and stumble a bit, before regaining my balance. "Brat, why didn't you tell us you had a sister?" Levi asks sending a death glare my way. I cross my arms over my chest and glare back. "It never came up." I say while shrugging my shoulders. "It's not like it's the end of the world."

Levi lets me go and I look at Isabel, who's talking to Farlan. I sit next to her and she looks at me, wide eyed."So this is where you disappear to..." She says and I nod. "Hey, can I join you guys?! I can help!" She asks energetically. She looks at Levi, leaning over the back of the couch and so do I, waiting for his answer. "Tch, you'll need to learn how to clean first." He says and walks away, towards his room. I flop back on the couch, rolling my eyes.

'Some thing's never change...' I think with a sigh and cross my arms over my chest. "What's wrong?" Isabel asks looking at me. "Huh?" I raise an eyebrow. "Nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?"

"No reason..." She says and keeps talking to Farlan, leaving me to my thoughts.

~Time Skip~

After a few days, Levi finally decides to try and teach Isabel the basics about maneuvering the 3DMG. "Izzy, Levi wants us to get your sister's gear." Farlan's voice says through the door to the room Levi let me have. Since Isabel was with us, I didn't have to go back to that old alley. I groan and slowly get myself out of the bed. I walk to the dresser and change into a pair of khaki jeans, a white shirt and brown boots, putting on the belts of my gear, just in case. I walk out of the room and sigh. "Let's get this over with. And stop calling me that!" I say as I walk towards the door, putting on the hood of my black cloak.

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