Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Elizabeth's POV

~Time Skip~

After we finish training, two Survey Corps members come and start to leave with Levi. "Wait!" I say, running towards Levi and giving him a hug. "Remember our promise..." 

"I will. Be good and remember what you're here for." He says letting go of me. I nod and the two soldiers get Levi in the carriage. I sigh and walk back towards the grounds, to find about five boys walking towards me and surrounding me. "Look, the rat has feelings." Who I'm guessing is the leader of the group says. I glare at him and try to walk past him, but one of his goons grab my arm and pulls me back towards them. "I don't want any trouble, so just let me go." I say as calmly as I can. "You caused trouble the moment you set foot up here." One of the goons says. The leader lifts his fist to punch me, but when it's a few inches away from my face, someone grabs his hand, since my arms are still being held back. I look at the person and see Levi. "I thought you left!" I say surprised. "Good thing I didn't." He says looking at me with his normal stoic expression. I headbutt the guy behind me and he lets me go. Levi knees the leader and I throw my elbow back, making contact with someone's nose. 

After a few more minutes, all the guys are on the floor, some knocked out and some just in pain. I look at the sixteen year old, raven haired boy in front of me. "Thanks, Levi..." I say while sighing. 

"Elizabeth," He says while walking closer to me. "don't listen to what they say and just be yourself. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Don't change because of other people." He starts to walk away and I look back towards the other cadets, who are staring at me. I ignore them and keep walking towards a part of the training ground where no one is. I look at the guys and see the instructor talking to the ones that are awake. The instructor looks at me and I straighten my posture. "CADET MAGNOLIA!" He calls and I walk towards him. When I reach him, I salute. "Sir!" 

"What happened here?!" He screams at me. "My training partner had to leave so I was going to ask you what I should do, but they surrounded me and attacked me, sir!"

"Liar!" One of the guys screams at me. "I have no reason to lie to the instructor." I say dropping my salute and crossing my arms. "Who would believe a word that comes out of a rats mouth?!" Another says. "That is a very serious accusation and you five know very that attacking a fellow cadet with no reason can get you thrown out of the camp and to the fields. You five would have to leave." A small smirk appears in my face. "But, if cadet Magnolia does not complete a task in said time, she will take your place and will be sent back to The Underground." I gulp.

'This can't be good...' 

"Her task is, she has to get ten titan dummies with the 3D Maneuver Gear in less than five minutes." 


I think and my smirk returns. I may not seen a titan, but it's just a dummy and from what I've heard the instructor say, the titan's weak spot is the nape of the neck, so this will be a piece of cake. The instructor hands me a gear and I strap it on. I walk towards the edge of the forest and wait for the instructor's orders. 

Atsushi's POV

Everyone looks at Elizabeth, waiting to see if she stays or leaves. "GO!" The instructor screams at her and she flies off at inhuman speed. The instructor looks at all of us. "CADET KAYABA! GO AND MAKE SURE SHE DOES AS TOLD!" I salute. "YES, SIR!" I get my gear, strap it on and run into the forest, looking for a certain redheaded girl.

After a few seconds, a blur passes in front of me, cutting the nape of a dummy that was left to me. She slows down, catches the piece she cut and uses a tree as a boost. I follow behind her, watching her perfect cuts, as if she's done this a million times.

About a minute later, she's done and takes off back towards the camp. 

We reach the camp and she lands first, me following close behind. She drops the ten pieces on the floor and the five guys go wide eyed. I walk next Elizabeth and she smirks. The instructor checks the time and goes wide eyed. "I believed I finished, sir." Elizabeth says going back to her stoic expression, but you can almost hear the smirk in her voice. He turns to the five guys and they go to the dorm, to get their stuff, and get on a carriage. "Good job, Magnolia." The instructor says and dismisses us. We walk back towards everyone else and Elizabeth leans on a rock by herself, with her arms crossed over her chest.

~Time Skip~

Elizabeth's POV

After hand to hand combat is finished, the bell rings, meaning is lunch time. The instructor dismisses us and we go to the Mess Hall. I take my food and walk to my usual table. A few seconds later, someone sits across from me and I look up from my food to see Atsushi. "I thought I told you to stay away from me." I say as I look down and keep eating my food. It's not the best, but it's better than what I had to eat at The Underground. "Not everyone cares from where you came from, you know." He says matter-of-factly. I put my spoon down and sigh. I look up at him. "Nothing I say will make you leave me alone, is there?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Nope." He shrugs and I go back to eating my food.

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