Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Levi's POV

I get back to the HQ and get off of the carriage. I walk back to the barracks, where Isabel and Farlan are. "Did you see her?!" Isabel asks getting all up in my face. I take a step back and gently push her back. "Yes." I plainly say, walking to my bed and sitting down. "So? How is she?" Farlan asks, walking towards me. "She's fine, a huge ass scar on her left eye, but other than that, she's okay."

Elizabeth's POV

I go to the girls dorms, walk up the stairs and hear whispers coming from inside. I slowly make my way towards the door and put my ear on it. "What's someone like her doing here? It's not like she has anything special." A voice from inside states and I roll my eyes. "Yeah. Completing the task the instructor gave her was just luck." Another says and the other's agree. "I say she's the first to get eaten." A third voice says and the rest snicker. I slowly step away from the door, tears filling my eyes. "She won't last ten minutes out there." The first voice says. With a deep breath, I wipe my eyes, turn around and run away from there, making the wooden floorboards crack under my feet.

??'s POV

After that last comment, a crack is heard from outside. "I think she heard you..." I say while looking at the door. "So? Why should we care?" One of the girls says. "Come on, leave her alone. What has she done to any you? She's just as human as any of us." I say while standing up from my bed. "Hibari, you have been spending too much time with Atsushi." The same girl says. "What if I have? At least I know what's right." With that said, I walk out of the dorm, to look for a certain redheaded girl.

~Time Skip~

After a few minutes of walking, I hear something collide with a tree and a grunt following it. I walk towards the noise and see Elizabeth punching a tree, her knuckles bleeding. I lean on a tree and cross my arms. "What did the tree ever do to you?" I ask her raising an eyebrow. She looks towards me, glares and goes back to punching the tree. "You know, you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that." I say standing straight. "Why do you care?" She growls. "You just think I'm gonna die." She punches the tree again, breaking some of the rotten bark from it. "You think you know who I am simply from the place I'm from." I walk towards her and grab her hands mid strike, making her send me one of the deadliest glares I've ever received. I look at her hands and see them worst than I thought. "You should get that cleaned up." I say and she gets her hands out of my grip. "Just leave me alone." She mutters as she walks and sits in front of the tree. I sigh and sit in front of her.

Elizabeth's POV

The brown haired girl sighs and sits in front of me. "Why do you keep pushing the people who care about you away?" She says and I send her a weak glare.


5 Years Ago

I run through an alley, trying to get away from a couple of M.P's who are after me.

After a few minutes of running, I reach the place I'm looking for. I quickly take a sharp turn and run towards the house, opening the door and running in. I close the door and slide down it, cradling my left arm over my chest. A boy about two years older than me with black raven hair walks out of the hallway and walks towards me. He kneels in front of me, trying to check my wounded arm. I look down, my hair casting a shadow over my eyes, and push him away. "Just leave me alone." I mutter.

"Why do you keep pushing the people who care about you away?"

~Flashback End~

I feel a tear slide down my left cheek and quickly wipe it away, standing up and start walking away, but I trip on something. I quickly put my hands on the floor, to stop myself from hitting the floor. Tears fall out of my eyes unwillingly and I close them, picking myself up and sit in a kneeling position. I look down and quietly sob.

'I can't do this!' I think as I bring my hands to my face and cover it. I feel a hand on my shoulder, but ignore it. "Are you okay?" The same girl asks and I shake my head. "J-just leave me alone!" I slightly yell. "Just leave me... alone..." I whisper and a sob escapes my lips.

I feel the hand leave my shoulder and slowly look up, to see a concerned, brown headed girl looking at me. She helps me up and walks me to the infirmary, where the nurse starts to freak out, asking what happened to me, seeing as my eyes are red and my knuckles are bleeding. I just look down, while the girl talks to the nurse.

The nurse takes care of my wounds and sends me back to the dorm. We start walking back to the dorm in silence and I rub my bruised knuckles. "I think we haven't formally met. I'm Hibari Zoe. Nice to meet you." She says, trying to start a conversation. "You know who I am, so what am I supposed to say?" I say in a monotone voice, looking at the floor. "You know, you should really let people help you sometimes. You're not immortal."


After the boy took care of my wounded arm, he helps me to the couch and sits next to me. "You know, you should really let people help you sometimes. You're not immortal."

~Flashback End~

I shake my head and move a bit walking a bit faster. "I don't need help." I state simply and walk up the steps to the girls dorms. I open the door, making all the girls inside look at me. I ignore them and walk to the back of the room, towards my bed. I get on and lay down, looking at the ceiling and sigh quietly.  

'I hate this...'

Author's Note:

This was a clusterfuck of a timeline, so yeah, that's also being fixed! :D

Cinnamon-chan logging off, peace!

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