Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Elizabeth's POV

~A few weeks later~

After training Isabel with the 3DMG, it was time for the race with Farlan.

I get out of bed and change into my normal clothes, which are a pair of pants, a white shirt and my brown boots. I put on my belts and walk towards the living room, flopping on the couch.

A few minutes later, Farlan walks into the living room and I smirk. "Finally awake." I say, while standing up and walking towards him. He rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the door. "Let's do this, shall we?" He opens the door and motions for me to walk out with a small smirk. I walk out and wait for him. "Oh," I turn towards him. "Isabel's waiting for us already."

"Okay." He says, closing the door. We walk together to the starting line, that is placed where we usually hang out. "Also," I take out a whole bread and give it to Farlan. "here."

"What about you?" He asks taking the bread and looking at me. "Don't worry." I take out another. "I stole a few and left them at the house." He nods and takes a bite of the bread.

~Time Skip~

We reach an opening where there are no buildings and see Isabel waving at us. We walk towards her and I take out the last bread I brought and give it to her. She smiles widely. "Where did you get this?!" She asks jumping like a five year old. "I went out with Levi and got a bunch. We have food for at least two whole weeks." I say while walking towards my gear, which Levi brought. I put it on and so does Farlan. "By the way," I start as I finish securing my gear. "Where's Levi?"

"He was here a seconds ago..." Isabel says looking around. "That's Levi for ya'." I say as I walk next to Isabel and put my hand on her shoulder. "Disappearing when you're not looking. Anyway," I move my hand from he shoulder and walk towards a building a few feet away and climb to the roof. "Ready, Farlan?" I look down and see Farlan climbing the building across me. "Yup." He says when he's up. "Okay!" Isabel chirps. "Ready? Set. Go!" I take off running from roof to roof, shoot the wires and pull the triggers for the gas tanks. 

Running away from the Military Police really pays off...

After a few seconds, I reach the market place. I lower my height and speed and extend my arm, stealing a red fruit as I pass. I hear the owner scream "Hey! Thief!" But before he can do anything, I already sped up. I laugh, retract my wires and shoot them again, using a bit of gas to speed up.

Farlan's POV

After a few seconds, I finally catch up to Elizabeth. She looks at me and uses a building to boost herself. I do the same, but she's already ahead if me.

~Time Skip~

After a few minutes, I see Levi standing in, what I guess to be the finish, with Elizabeth next to him eating an apple. "Took you long enough." She says, smirking. "Also," she takes off her gas containers and tosses them to me. "Wanna check? It's not even halfway." I check and she's right. It's mostly full. "Wow. That was even more impressive than last time." I give her the container back and she puts it in its place. "Thanks."

After about a minute, Isabel lands in front of us. "That was amazing!" She exclaims and tackles her little sister in a hug. Elizabeth grunts and stumbles a bit. "Isabel... can't... breathe..." She says as she tries to get Isabel off. Levi grabs her by the collar of her shirt and gets her off of Elizabeth. She takes deep breath and stands straight. "Thanks, Levi." She says as she straightens her shirt. "Anyway, we should get back." We all nod and start to walk towards our home.

~Time Skip~ 

Elizabeth's POV

When we get home, we see a man standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Who the hell are you?" I ask, looking at the man weirdly. "That doesn't really matter. I have a job request." He says while looking at us. "Didn't you get the wrong house?" Farlan starts "This is not a handyman shop."

"I promise you a reward." The man say calmly. "Go home!" Levi says, walking past the man, Farlan, Isabel and me following him. As we walk up the stairs, "I've already paid the deposit though." The man states and we all turn towards him. "You're kidding, right?" Farlan asks, raising an eyebrow. "This is the first time we've seen you."

"That's true. But you should already know... about him." We see a man wearing a fedora is helping a young man into a carriage. "Jan!" Farlan and me gasp. "His leg is already at its limit." I look at the man. "He needs to get treatment on a hospital at the surface... Isn't that right, Levi-kun?"

"What's the meaning of this?!" I ask, getting impatient. "I told you, didn't I? It's a deposit for the job. You'll listen to the details now, right?" The man says and I glare at him. "Fine, then." Levi says. The two men get Jan on the carriage and leave.

A few seconds later, the man leads us up the stairs to the surface. When we get to the top, Levi and Isabel cover their eyes, because fuck the brightness, while me and Farlan stand a few steps behind them , our eyes quickly adjusting. We look up a couple of stairs and see a carriage with a man with a shadow over his face. "Are these the guys?" The shadowed man asks the guy who brought us here. "Yes, I've heard they're excellent." The man who brought us up says. "Who the hell are you?" Levi asks, repeating the same question I asked a few minutes ago. "It's understandable that you're weary of me." Begins the man. "But you'll learn it's okay to trust me." Farlan laughs. "How could we?"

"The fact that I'm here says everything. I'm at great risk just by being here. Have you received the deposit already?"

"I don't know how things work on top," I start and all eyes are on me. "but in our world is called taking a hostage."

"That's just a contingency plan we laid in place. When you have successfully completed the job, you won't only be getting a huge sum of money... But, also citizenship on the surface."

Farlan, Isabel and me gasp.

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