Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Elizabeth's POV

I glare at the man and his smirk widens. "Seems as if you could teach them some manners." He says and walks towards me. I take a deep breath and regain my stoic look. "I am perfectly well mannered." I say and feel our commander smirk. I give a small smirk and salute him. "Sir." I finish and drop my salute, walking towards Levi and eyebrows. I stand next to Levi with the smirk still on my face. "Wipe that smirk of your face." Levi says and I look at him, he himself is smirking. I roll my eyes and the commander walks towards us, Atsushi and Hibari behind him. "Meet the new recruits. Atsushi Kayaba and Hibari Zoe." The commander says and they walk towards us. "Good to see you're still in one piece, Kayaba." I say monotonously and he nods. "I take it that they are your friends?" Eyebrows asks and I nod, looking towards him. "Yes, sir." I say and Atsushi and Hibari go wide eyed.

~Time Skip~

After about half an hour, we get back to HQ and I'm given the horses to take back to the stables. I sigh and grab the reins, guiding the horses to their stables.

After that's done, I walk back towards the mess hall, where Atsushi and Hibari are sitting. I walk towards them and sit next to Hibari, not looking at any of them. "Elizabeth..." Atsushi says quietly and I look up at him. Before he can ask his question, I hold my hand up, signaling to stay quiet and look back down at the table. "They're dead." I answer monotonously, already knowing what he was gonna ask. "Oh..." He says, looking down and sighing. "I'm sorry for your loss..." Hibari says, talking for the first time since I sat here. "Don't be." I say, looking up at them. "Moping around with sadness and sorrow..." I start, standing up and walking next to the both of them. "What will come off it? Even dead people can do that. However, I'll live and stand on my own two legs. If we are going to die, wouldn't it be better to have no regrets?"

"You mean to say that you don't regret being separated from them?" Says a new voice from behind me. I turn around and see mister eyebrows. "No." I simply say and walk towards him. "They were too pure for this cruel world, anyways."

"Very well." He says with a firm nod and turns around, walking away. I turn back towards the duo behind me and see them wide eyed. "I don't regret being separated from them. I also don't regret having murdered those guys eight years ago, because if I hadn't I wouldn't be the person I am today." With those words, I turn around again and walk out of the mess hall and towards the girls barracks.

When I get to the room I share, I open the door and walk in, only to be greeted by a strawberry blond standing in front of the door. "That was quite the speech there, Elizabeth." She says in a half surprised, half interested tone of voice. I walk past her and sit on my bed. "So?" I ask as she sits on the bed across from mine. "Those a pretty big words for a fourteen year old." She says and I look at the floor, sighing. "Bringing emotions into your job is just a waste of time..." I mutter, laying down on my bed. "They just make you weak..."

"Emotions are a normal thing, you know? Everyone experiences them every now and then. It's completely normal." She says and I sigh, sitting back up. "Thank you for your help, Petra, but I won't let that go so easily." I say, looking directly into her eyes.  She sighs and looks down. "Okay. Guess I can't win them all, right?" She says and gives me a small smile. I nod and lay back down on the bed, closing my eyes. 

Petra walks out of the room, off to who knows where. With a heavy sigh, I push myself off the bed and stand up, walking out of the room and going outside.

Levi's POV

I walk into the mess hall just as Elizabeth walks out. I look at her disappearing figure for a few seconds, until she turns a corner and disappears from my view.

I walk towards the table that has Gunther, Oruo and Eld sitting on it and sit on the chair at the middle. "Where's Petra?" I ask monotonously. "She went to talk to that friend if yours." Oruo says and continues eating his bread. "You know, for a fourteen-"

"Fifteen." A female voice says from behind him and someone sits on the chair next to him. "For a fifteen year old, she's pretty mature." He finishes and looks at the person next to him, who just happens to be Petra.

~Time Skip~

After a few minutes, I stand up and walk out of the Mess Hall, walking towards the training grounds.

As I walk around, I start to hear fighting coming from somewhere towards the stables and run towards it, seeing Elizabeth being surrounded by the same guys that tried to fight with her when she was at the camp. I speed up, trying to reach her faster, only to notice that the guys are armed. "ELIZABETH!" I shout, just as the guy behind her takes out what looks like a knife. She quickly dodges it and sends a kick his way, hitting him in the ribs. "LEVI! HE-" She gets cut off as one of the guys, the leader it seems, covers her mouth and pulls her head, pressing one of her pressure points, knocking her unconscious.

Hibari's POV

After what feels like forever, I walk out of my dorm and towards the stables, going to see my horse. On my way there, I start to hear what sounds like fighting. I start running and see a bunch of guys surrounding Elizabeth. I gasp and run back into the HQ, looking for section commander Erwin.

A few seconds later, I see him walking out of the commander's office and run towards him. "Section commander Erwin!" I shout as I stop in front of him, giving him a quick salute and panting a little. "Sir! I need your help! Some guys broke in and-"

"Broke in?" He asks with a brow raised. "Yes! No time to explain, we need to hurry!" I say and grab his arm, pulling him towards the stables.

As we arrive, the sight that greets us is quite... disturbing...

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