Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Elizabeth's POV

After a moment of silence, I feel someone pull me into an embrace and I look up wide eyed. "Y-you don't care?" I stutter out. "It's the past and the guys were trying to hurt you. It was self-defense." He says shrugging. "Self-defence?! I murdered someone! How can you just let that slip by-" I snap, stopping when I hear a twig snap. I move my head towards the noise and walk towards it seeing nothing. 'Probably just an animal or something... Hopefully...' 

With a deep breath, I stand up and walk away from the brown haired male, making my way back to the dorm.

After a few minutes, we reach the dorms and Atsushi goes to his. I open the door to the girls dorms and get pinned to a wall, with something on my neck. I look at the person and see a girl with black hair, glaring at me. "Murderer. You're a murderer." She growls at me. I glare back. "Let me go, unless you wanna join them." I growl at her. She presses the knife deeper into my neck. "Have it your way." I say through gritted teeth and knee her in the stomach. She takes a few steps back, I bring my fist back and bring it down on her, hearing a crack as my fist collides with her throat. She gasps for air and falls on the floor. I look up to see the rest of the girls staring at me.

~Time Skip~

I get up from my bed and sigh. I pass my hand through my hair, jump off my bunk and change into the uniform. When I'm done with my morning routine, I quietly walk out of the dorm, trying not to wake any of the other girls up and walk to the training grounds. When I get to my usual waiting spot, I see a figure standing there. I walk towards it and see it's not a trainee, but the instructor. He notices me and motions me towards him. I approach him and when I'm close to him, I salute. "Good Morning, sir." I say. "At ease." He says with a kind smile, a smile that I have never received before from anyone other than Isabel, Levi or Farlan. "Good Morning, cadet Magnolia. I have a small chore for you, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, sir. What do I need to do?" I ask listening closely. "I need you to go to town and get a shipment that is supposed to be delivered to The Garrison's commander." He says calmly and I go wide eyed. "B-but sir, wouldn't people know who I am? I-I mean, wouldn't they think I escaped or something?" I ask, a bit scared of having to face the M.P's outside of The Underground. "Don't worry, cadet, you won't be going alone. I believe you hang around cadets Atsushi Kayaba and Hibari Zoe most of the time outside of training. They will be accompanying you." He says clearing things up. I nod, even though I really don't know Hibari that much, she did stand up for me. "Both cadets should be here any moment." He says and I salute him. "Sir." I say and he smiles, saluting back. He walks away and my jaw drops. "Did I just see what I thought I saw?!" The voice of a certain hyperactive female sounded next to me. I slowly nodded and I feel a hand close my mouth. "Don't eat flies." A voice that belongs to a male says. Knowing who they are, I turn towards them with a shocked expression. "D-did I just get saluted?! By a superior?! Me?!" I ask and Atsushi starts to chuckle. "Is our little criminal freaking out?" Hibari chuckles too. I playfully glare at them and cross my arms. "No. And don't call me that..." I stay quiet for a few seconds, but then realize what she called me. "Wait, you were in the room, weren't you...?" She nods and I sigh. "You know, she had it coming. We warned her about what you might do." She says putting a hand on my shoulder. "We thought you would have done worse." I look at the ground and start walking out of the camp, towards town to get the shipment that belongs to the commander.

Hibari's POV

We follow behind Elizabeth, walking out of the camp and towards the town. We normally do this on our free days, but the instructor wanted to make Elizabeth feel more like a cadet than a prisoner. He asked us to go with her, just to keep an eye on her and make sure none of the M.P's try to arrest her.

~Time Skip~

We reach the town and Elizabeth looks around. "Um... what exactly are we looking for?" Elizabeth asks, turning to look at me and Atsushi. "We're looking for-" Atsushi gets cut off as someone tackles Elizabeth and she falls. "Get off of me!" Elizabeth grunts trying to get the person off. The person laughs and lets her go. Elizabeth stops struggling and looks at the person confused. The person, who's a girl, stands up. "Isabel?!" Elizabeth says surprised. She quickly stands up and hugs the girl.

After a few seconds they separate and Elizabeth goes back to her normal self.

Elizabeth's POV

"Where are Levi and Farlan?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Before Isabel can answer, someone wraps their hands around my waist, lifts me and spins me around. Knowing who it is, I start laughing. He puts me down and I turn around, tackling him in a hug. "Farlan!" I exclaim as he wraps his arms around me. We separate and I look next to Farlan and see Levi. I send him a grin and he rolls his eyes, walking towards me and hugging me. I go wide eyed, but hug him anyway. We separate and I notice Isabel and Farlan looking weirdly at Hibari and Atsushi. "They're with me." I tell them quickly and they nod. Isabel is the first to talk. "Hiya! I'm Isabel Magnolia! Elizabeth's big sister!" She says happily and I facepalm. "Isabel." I whine. "Stop." Isabel looks at me and smirks. "Is wittle Izzy embwawassed?" She asks teasingly and I groan. "Go and kill some titans or whatever. I need to get something for the commander of The Garrison's." I turn around and start walking away.

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