Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Levi's POV

~Time Skip~

After a few hours of waiting in the Mess Hall, I finally give up and walk out. I make my way up to the roof and see a figure sitting at the edge, looking at the sky. I walk towards it and see it's Elizabeth. "You were up here the whole time?" I ask as I sit next to her. She looks down and doesn't answer me. I sigh and wrap my arm around her neck, bringing her close to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and looks down.

Elizabeth's POV

"They're gone, Levi." I say through quiet sobs. "They're all gone."

"I'm still here, Elizabeth." He says pulling me into an embrace. "You still have me."

"Yeah..." I say moving my head to look at his beautiful grey eyes. "But for how long?"

"Forever..." He says and wipes away the tears from my cheeks. I look back at they sky, leaning my head on his chest. "It's been a while since I last looked up at the sky like this." He says looking at the sky too. "They were still alive, weren't they?" I ask. "Yeah." He says and I look back down. "I didn't even get to say goodbye..." I say and feel more tears at the brim of my eyes.

~Time Skip~

I wake up in a dorm full of girls, or women, I don't know. I look to the side and see a small table with a piece of paper on it. I pick up the paper and read it.

I put it back on the table, stand up and open the small drawer, taking out my new uniform. I walk out of the dorm and to the bathroom's, taking a quick shower. When I'm done, I put on my uniform and walk back to the dorm, seeing a few other scouts waking up. I put the clothes away and walk to the Mess Hall, where Levi said he would be waiting for me.

I walk to the nearly empty Mess Hall and see a certain raven haired midget standing by one of the tables. I walk towards him and he notices me. "Morning." I say as I reach him and he nods. "What are we doing today? Erwin didn't tell me anything." Levi sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Levi...? What are you not telling me?" I ask, getting worried. "The reason the commander gave eyebrows permission to graduate you early is because we have an expedition in a few months and they needed more recruits." He says in his normal way. My face drops and I look down. "Oh..." I say and I feel Levi's gaze on me. I put my stoic expression and look at him. "Then what are we waiting for?" I ask looking directly at his eyes, mirroring his expression. "Let's go train." I finish bluntly and walk out of the Mess Hall and to the training grounds.

When I get there, I see other scouts already there. A certain strawberry blonde notices me and sends me a friendly smile, which I give a firm nod in return. I look back to the front and walk to an empty spot.

A few minutes later, Levi reaches me and hands me a wooden knife. "Just like in the Trainee camp." He says and stands back a few steps, standing in a fighting stance. I mirror his stance and ready the wooden knife. Out of the corner of my eye I see a few of the scouts surround us. "You don't have a chance, kid!" A male with slight curly, light brown hair says. I look back at Levi and notice that his legs are to far apart. I smirk and charge at him. Just as he's about to punch me, I duck and slide through his legs, making everyone gasp and stand up behind him. He turns around and I tackle him, pinning him down and put the wooden knife on his neck. "You held back, Levi." I say and get off of him, extending my arm towards him. He takes it and I pull him up. "What's going on here?" A male voice says and Erwin and the commander walk through the crowd. Levi and me let go and turn towards them. "Nothing, sir. We were just training." I say.

~Time Skip~

After a few weeks, it was time for the Trainee graduation. The commanders and section commanders from all the branches would be going to it. That means that neither Erwin or the commander would be here. Well, it's not as good as it sounds. Levi and me are being forced to go with them...

They still don't trust us...

One would think that having been figured out and having your friends dead would be enough... Well, apparently not.

After a few minutes of waiting in front of the stables, Levi, Erwin and the commander arrive and I get on a black horse, which the commander gave me.

The commander and Erwin lead the way, while Levi and me move behind them.

The whole ride was quiet and when we arrived, most of the commanders of the other branches had already arrived.

We take the horses to the stables and walk back towards the rest so the graduation can start.

~Time Skip~

After the whole commander's speeches and stuff, it's time for the trainee's to choose what branch they want to enlist in. "Choose wisely, for you won't be able to go back." The instructor says and most of the trainee's leave, leaving only Atsushi and Hibari standing in front of us. "Congratulations." The Corps' commander says. "You two brave soldiers have chosen to stay in the corps."

"Sir!" They both say and salute. Atsushi notices me and I give him a nod. He is, after all, one of my friends.

As the graduation comes to an end, the Military Police's commander walks towards our commander, a smirk on his face. "So desperate that you're accepting rat's now?"

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