Chapter 3: Secret Revealed

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I clenched my fist and crumpled the paper before looking at my locker again. I saw a little box in the middle, so I crouched down and get it. As I opened it, I saw a bloody knife inside. I brought it outside the box and throw it in another locker, which made the other students shake in fear.

I laughed and shook my head in disbelief before walking towards the principals office. "Miss, I was about to call you." the school head said and bowed at me. I sat in front of his table. "Miss, I'm sorry for my son's doing and also his group." he said making me look at him."Who is your son?" I asked.

The School Head hesitantly gave me a file, I opened it and saw informations about the group I encountered a while ago. "Park Jimin is my son, Miss." he said and flipped the pages, showing me the picture and the informations about his son.

Park Jimin

I flipped the pages again, meeting all the members' pictures

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I flipped the pages again, meeting all the members' pictures. "BTS, huh" I looked up at the school head. "Don't ever tell anything about me to your son and his group...Also, I'm sure that they reported me, what's my punishment?" I asked coldly and stood up, facing the door. "They wanted you to have 100 push ups in front of the class." he informed. "Sure." I said and walked out of his office, him following behind me.

As I opened the door, I caught all the students attention including BTS. I didn't even notice that they are my classmate. "Miss-" I cut the school head off. "Don't say my name." I said as he nodded his head and continued. "She will be doing her punishment."

I walked in front and positioned myself and did 100 push ups. I did all of the push ups in just 7 minutes and also in the same pace, my face didn't turn red or even sweat. I stand up and looked at BTS and they seemed shocked but Jungkook doesn't which made me a bit upset.

I looked down and walk towards my seat and wore my headphones, turning the volume up. I rest my head on the table and slept. Then, I felt someone shaking me. I looked up and saw my seatmate. I removed my headphones, "The teacher is calling you." he said.

I looked in front and saw the teacher crossing her arms on me. "I guess you know the lesson already my dear, how about you answer the problem here??" she said sarcastically. I lazily stand up and answered the problem given.

I went back to my seat and go back sleeping. I didn't care on what the teacher's reaction is...And also, is she a new teacher? How come she doesn't know me? Well, I could care less.


As we, students, heard the bell we started getting out of our classroom. I walked towards the principals office and entered. "Miss Y/n," he stood up and bowed politely. "What do you need, Miss Y/n?" he asked

"My locker, fix it." I said and get out. When I stepped out of the gate I saw So-Hee being bullied by that girl, again. I walked towards them and put my hands in my pocket. "Having fun??" I said making them look at me. "Yeah, we really are having fun. Wanna join??" she said ironically.

"Sure" I replied back as she smirked but then she didn't expect what was coming. I grabbed her head and pull it down letting my knee hit it. "Don't do the same mistakes again." I said and put her down. ''So-Hee, let's go." I said as I grabbed her wrist. "Bun, let me go!" she said. I slowly let her wrist go and looked at her.

"Bun, you don't need to do that." she said angrily. I sighed and looked at her. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I just can't stop myself." I looked down as silence wrapped the atmosphere."Comon' go home, I'll meet you tomorrow??" I said as she nodded then I left her, going in my car.

"New Friend, Miss?" the driver asks as he drove home. "Yeah, and new enemies." I said making him look at me. "What happened to your lips, Miss?" he said. "I got into a fight." I said and closed my eyes and leaned my head backwards.

When we arrived, I get in the house, My grandma greeting me. "Yah!! You little kid!! What happened to your lips?!!" she asked as she tilted my head looking at my bruise. "I got into a fight. I'm sorry grandma, I won't do it again" I said as she lets me go. "You better do what you say." I nodded my head as she told me to go wash myself up and get ready for dinner.

I ran up to my room and washed myself up, then I went in the dinning room, My uncle is already sitting there. I sat beside him and we started eating, my uncle and grandma asking how my day was. As we finished eating dinner, I excused myself as I wanted to get out and clear up my mind.

I was walking through the woods when I heard screams. I followed the screams and saw seven figures...No, not only seven...They're 14...Seven girls and Seven boys...I looked closely and saw familiar figures...Wait, isn't that the girl who bullied So-Hee?? and of course her six minions.

What are they doing here? And who are these guys? "We told you to not go here again, right?" One of the men said. "We're s-so-orry...W-we won't c-ome here again." her minion said. "Too late girls, we already made up our minds." that voice, isn't that...Jimin??

This means...ThESe seven men are BTS?? Another secret revealed...Jungkook, What happened to you?? Why are you doing this?? You guys are lucky that you are all wearing a low hoodie, I'm sorry but I'll take these girls away from you.

I ran towards them with my unbelievable speed. I took all the girls away from them. As I let the girls down, I ran back in the woods, wore my cap, letting my face be hidden, and face BTS. I did all of those in just a blink of an eye. "Who are you??" one of them said.

"Leave the humans alone..." I said, changing my voice. "What if we don't??" I guess it was Taehyung who talked this time. "This, will happen." I ran towards them and scratch their necks with my nails. In the matter of seconds, it started bleeding so bad. But...I didn't do it to Jungkook.

"What did you do?!!" he shouted. "I cursed them. And if ever, one of them will drink human blood,  all of their necks will bleed." I explained with the same voice I used a while back. "Then, why didn't you do it to me??" he curiously asked. "For you to suffer, suffer watching them being hurt. Remember this, Whatever you do, you can't cure them cause only me can do it." 

I ran away back home, still using my unhuman speed.



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