Chapter 11: Hybrid

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"Yup, something really happened to you." He said while opening a box made of wood which is where he puts his syringes. "Blood?" I asked. He nodded and gestured me to come closer to him. I did as he said while he pulled out a syringe. He turned around and faced me.

I pulled my sleeves up then he started doing his thing. After drawing my blood out, I pulled my sleeves back down. "The results will be out tomorrow. So, Come back here tomorrow." He said. I sighed and nodded my head. Standing up, we bid our goodbyes. As I was about to get out of his house, he reminded me of my hair.

I thanked him and wore my hood before going out. Walking, I ended up back in the cave. This time there was no knife nor the stone, instead a wild fire can be seen in the middle. I stepped unto it, feeling the pain, but after some time, I felt nothing. Opening my eyes, I was back in front of the knife.

I turned around and walked out of the cave.

"So? How was the visit?" Grandma asked as soon as I entered. Did she know?!! "H-huh?" Why did I stuttered?! "How was he?" She asked again. What am I supposed to answer? "I said how is Taeyong?" Then, realization hits me. I told her a lie, that I will visit Taeyong. Why are you so dumb, Y/n?

"He's okay. He also wanted to say hi to you." I told her another lie. It's hard for me to do this, but it's for her. I don't want to her to get hurt. "Oh, and have you eaten dinner?" She said. I nod my head and hugged her. "I'm going to sleep, Grandma. Goodnight."

I went up to my bedroom seeing my uncle, sitting on the edge of my bed, wearing his sleeping wear. "So?" He asked with a worriedly tone. "The result will be coming up tomorrow." He sighed and nodded. He stood up and patted my shoulders. "You'll be okay." He tried to comfort me.

"I hope so."


"You're a hybrid." He said. Though, I wasn't shocked. "I know. Half vampire and Half human." I replied. But then, he shook his head. "Not only that." He said. This made me curious. "W-what do you mean?" I suddenly became nervous.

"Wolf's blood run in your veins too, Y/n." He stated. It made me breathless. Is that the reason on why some wolves are scared of me?


Jungkook and I are in the middle of a fight between Sehun and his pack. "Just give up weaklings!" Sehun yelled but Jungkook and I shook our head. I turned my head towards Jungkook and saw someone behind him. I started running towards it, really fast.

Jungkook closed his eyes, covered his ears and squatted on the ground. I jumped over him and was about to kill the wolf with my sword when he suddenly took a step backwards, making my sword meet the ground. I looked up,meeting the eyes of the wolf. A look came on his face as if he saw a ghost and he turned back into human before running away.

Did I scare him with my eyes?

I then looked back, to where Sehun and his pack are standing at. The same look came on their faces as they ran away.

End of Flashback

"If you couldn't control your anger or if you want to protect someone against a wolf, your eyes will turn into color gold." He interrupted my thoughts but made my it go deeper again. Maybe that's the reason on why they got scared. My eyes turned gold. Because usually wolf's eyes are color blue and grey---wait, what?!!

"Only an alpha wolf can have a golden eye! Does that mean?!!!" I looked at the old man, waiting for an answer. "Yes, you are an alpha wolf." I couldn't believe on everything right now. Everything he is talking about, I was wishing that it is only my thoughts, but this is the reality.

A question has appeared on my mind. "But, when I was born, shouldn't I be experiencing my wolf's growth already?" I asked, really curious. "Your main blood, which is vampire's blood, is stronger since your father's blood is in you, making your wolf's growth discontinue." He pauses.

"But now, your wolf couldn't wait any longer and decided to go out of you, but this will be temporary. If your vampire's blood can influence your wolf to join them, you'll be back to your half vampire, half human life." He continued, making me sigh in relief as I found out that it will be temporary.

"Though, you still need to avoid everyone." He says--No, he warns. "Why?" Again, curiosity killing me. "Your wolf is still immature, you still need to train yourself to control it. And if you can't control it, it might kill your love ones."

"Sweetie, why are you packing up?" Grandma suddenly came in my room seeing me throwing things in my luggage. "I'll just be going somewhere, but I promise I'll go back as soon as I can." I gave her a soft smile and pecked her forehead before carrying my suitcase before leaving the mansion, waisting no time.

But another unexpected someone came. "Where are you going and why do you have a luggage with you?" Jungkook asked. I couldn't answer him and just hugged him so tight. "I'm sorry, but I'll have to go somewhere first." And with that I ran with my luggage, making sure that he won't come after me, I ran using my inhuman speed.

Putting down my luggage on the ground, I took a nice look on the house I'm about to live on. It was the house where my mom took a good care of my father. In the house where I was born.

I slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door open, making the door make a 'creak' sound

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I slowly turned the door knob and pushed the door open, making the door make a 'creak' sound. I turned the lights on as soon as I opened the door, not that I was scared, but because I wanted to see if anyone was inside. The house was empty, I mean, empty as in no people can be found inside.

The house was covered with in dust, but you can see that the things were neatly organized. I sighed as I realized that I need to do a lot of works today. Moving my eyes towards my watch to see the time, it was still noon. Then, I looked around to find a broom or anything that I can use for cleaning the house. When I spotted the broom, I spoke.

"Well, you're going to help me today."

Words Counted - 1129


Sorry for this boring chapter... I was just sooooo out of ideas.

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