Chapter 6: You're okay now

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Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair and slowly closed his eyes also, he slightly opened his mouth to get more air. I know what's going on here. I looked at his hyungs and it looks like they figured it out too. They started to panic and checked their pockets.

If you're still wondering on what's going, Jungkook, maybe, did not take his medicine, which means he is turning into a vampire any time soon. And this is not the perfect place to transform. Many people will see him and he might even attack them. I, I mean, We, need to do

Jungkook fell on his knees and hands on the ground, making his hyungs and me panic even more. I checked my pocket and saw some medicines, but I need to use a syringe cause if I will use the pills, they might see it and ask what medicine is it or even ask what is it for.

I looked around and saw a student holding a syringe, playing it. I ran to him and grabbed it. "Hey Give that ba-" I cut him off by saying, "I'll give it back!"

Some students stopped walking by the loud groan of Jungkook. His veins are showing up, his groans are getting deeper, more sweats are coming out. His hyungs are trying to calm him down, trying to let him out of here, but he won't bulge.

I inserted the needle of the syringe in the bottle and put the medicine in it. I closed the bottle back and hid the syringe under my sleeves. I jogged towards him and kneeled behind him; back hugging him.

He was about to attack me, but I injected him, making him stop and started calming down, whew! Not too late. Everyone was looking at us, thinking that I am hugging him. Jungkook's hyungs were totally shocked in what I just did and in Jungkook's reaction. When Jungkook calmed down a bit, I leaned towards his left ear and whispered, "You're okay now." I put some pills in his inner pocket and slowly stand back up on my feet.

I took the syringe with me and secretly put it in my bag so that no one will get suspicious on what I did to him, so that they'll think that I only hugged him, nothing more. I turned around to So-Hee and waved a goodbye before entering my car, and drove myself home since Taeyong is sick.


I sensed Miss 'Nobody' hugging me from behind, which makes me get angrier. I was about to attack her and transform into a vampire but she injected something to me which makes me calm myself down. I looked down to see what she injected me, it was the medicine I needed. Wait, why does she have this medicine?!! Is she a Royal Vampire too?? Is this the reason why she wasn't scared at me??

After calming myself I felt her lean towards my left ear and whispered something. "You're okay now." she said making me feel very comfortable, no problems; making me remember someone. Y/n. Those words always get out of her mouth every time I'm in a hard situation, letting me know that she is always with me.


All students started running towards the woods and started hurting each other. Me and Y/n started running far away from the fight. It's not that we are scared to get hurt or to die but we are scared to hurt someone else. We are too soft to do that.

When we think that we were far away already, we stopped and sat on the ground, lean on a tree and sleep. But little did we know someone else was there. "Jungkook, wake up!!" As I heard Y/n shouted, I quickly opened my eyes and stand up. Me and Y/n sniffed quietly, smelling some other creature. Wolves.

I looked at Y/n and it looks like she smelled it too. "Jungkook, move!!" she pointed something behind me as I moved away. There, I saw our biggest enemy, Sehun. "Aww, little Y/n and little Jungkook are avoiding the fight. Aren't we a bit scared??" he said with a high-pitched voice. "Leave us alone, Sehun!" I said bravely. "Never in a million years." he laughed and his pack came. They were all ten. This is not fair!! Two versus Ten?!! Are they serious?!!

And the fight started. Me and Y/n fought back. After some moments, we were all out of breath. "Just give up weaklings." Sehun yelled as we shake our head as a no. Y/n looked at something behind me and ran towards me...Really fast. I closed my eyes and covered my ears; squatting on the ground.

"Jungkook, Jungkook." Y/n called out, making me open my eyes. I saw her in front of me, giving me her worried eyes. I looked around, not seeing Sehun and his pack. "You're okay now."

End of Flashback

Is it possible that Miss Nobody, is my best friend?? My little crush?? My little bunny?? Is this the reason on why I always feel guilty everytime I hurt her?? Wah, so many unanswered questions. I need to ask her name. Her REAL name. I don't want to jump into conclusions without proving that she is my girl.

Next Day - Jungkook

I opened the door with a big force which made the school head jump out of his seat. "Jungkook? You scared me!" he said as he sat down again. I leaned on his table and bring my face closer to his. "What's her name?" I said coldly, staring straight into his eyes.

"W-what? Wh-who?'' he stuttered scared by my actions. I fished my phone out of my pocket and open it, finding Miss 'Nobody's photo. Not a stalker, I just...Whatever. And showed the picture to him...He stared at the picture. "I-I don't know her." he said and looked away. He is lying. I'm sure.

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