Chapter 2

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In the distance, the city of Atlys penetrated the black water with its hundreds of glowing orbs. The buildings were so old they had become a part of the ocean floor. The city's keepers worked tirelessly to preserve the walls, but it was clear that cycles of seawater had worn them down to a skeleton of their former beauty. Even still, the thought of living inside sent tingles of desire through Eko's pores.

The gate was the only way in. Long ago the Nyxus had created a shield over the city, preventing anyone from entering unnoticed.

"You have unusual wares today, little fishmonger," said the lead guard when Eko was in sight.

"Please let me through. She needs help."

The guard looked down on the merrow and traced her cheekbone with his finger. "Why in such a hurry? It isn't every day I'm brought such a prize." His fingers crept down her neck.

Eko pulled her back. "Just let me take her inside."

"She won't be happy when she finds out that a net boy's slimy hands carried her back. Besides, if you haven't got fish to sell, I'm not required to let you in." He came forward and looked down at the merrow again, a grin widening his mouth.

Eko's hand twitched but he held it firmly against the merrow. Attacking someone of a higher caste was punishable by death.

The other guard swam closer. His eyes grew large when he saw the merrow's face. "Do you know who this is?" His tone was strained, like an old net filled beyond its capacity. "Nerine, the Nyxus's eldest daughter."

Eko looked down at the merrow in his arms like his mere touch might shatter her into a thousand pieces. Nerine! The future Nyxi of Atlys. Was it possible?

The lead guard pulled away and looked at his comrade. "You're lying."

The other merrowman shook his head. "I used to guard the Temple of Poseidon. I'd recognize her and the rest of the royals anywhere. I'd wager my life on it."

"We can't let a fish herder take her back to the temple."

"Do we hold him for questioning? He may have kidnapped her." The guard looked at Eko, his lip curling. "Only a net boy would be capable of a crime so low."

Eko tensed his arms. "She was chased by seawolves. I heard her screaming."

"Hand her over," said the first guard, "and I won't report you. You can go back to your miserable life."

Eko hesitated. How could he trust these merrowmen to take her straight home? Especially when the bigger one seemed to have other designs.

"No." The word came from Nerine. Her eyes were halfway open. "I want Ekrios to take me back."

The lead guard looked like he would choke. "Him?" He pointed at Eko.

"That's right. Now move aside. I'd like to get to the temple before I lose anymore blood."

The merrowmen split apart, but the lead guard grabbed Eko's arm. "Be back in one hour or I'll find you and drag you out. You should be easy to find. I only have to follow the stench of dead fish."

Eko shook off the guard's hand and clenched his teeth together to keep from shouting a curse. As a fish herder, he'd received the brunt of insults his entire life, but the older he got, the harder they were to bear. He swam through the gates, trying not to flinch at the jeers that followed him.

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