Chapter 24

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The dust in Mr. Leventis's library made Lainey sneeze. She was almost finished with her shift. Dusting was the last step. She stood on the stepladder and sprayed the highest shelf with furniture polish and wiped away the residue with a rag. Then she replaced the books.

In the next room she could hear what sounded like a group of people gathered, speaking in low, indiscernible tones. There was a moment of silence and then their voices erupted in song. The music was slow, and minor, with words in a language she couldn't understand. Greek?

When it ended, the door to the room swung open and a group of people filed into the hall, each wearing a royal blue robe with a trident pin on the collar. Lainey ducked behind a chair, hoping none of them would look into the library. She recognized Mr. Kerring, Frank, Dr. Sully, Mr. Ardent, and Mr. Leventis among the procession, along with the three fishermen she had met the day she discovered the elevator and basement chapel.

"Thank you all for coming today," said Mr. Leventis. "With the recent turn of events, we are well on our way to fulfilling our divine mission."

Mr. Kerring knelt before him and kissed his hand. "You are the High Lord's hope for resurrection," he said. "Whatever you command, we shall carry out. Our Lord Poseidon must be reborn."

Mr. Leventis touched his forehead. "The Heart has forgiven you for your past transgressions. But that doesn't mean it will be so generous in the future."

Mr. Kerring bowed his head. "Of course. I will do what I must to prove myself a worthy disciple."

Lainey hadn't the slightest clue what they were talking about. It seemed childish for adults to believe in Poseidon. It was like believing in Baba Yaga or fairy godmothers.

Mr. Leventis and his followers filed into the hallway. Only Mr. Ardent lagged behind. He poked his head in the library and looked around. Lainey ducked her head back behind the armchair so fast the chair wobbled.

"Who's in there?" said Mr. Ardent, coming closer.

Lainey sheepishly emerged. "Sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to spy on you. I—"

"What are you doing here?" His typical charming demeanor was gone. "Didn't you get my voicemail?"

She shook her head. "I came here straight from school, and I don't have a cell phone." She couldn't help worrying that her grandpa might have heard the message at home. It would be difficult to hide her job from him if he had.

"Well, we don't need you today. You can go home." He turned and walked in the direction the rest of the cultists had gone, his blue robe was a little too big for him and trailed on the floor.

She gathered her bag and left straight away, nearly bumping into Peter Kerring as she ran down the front steps. He too was dressed in one of the long blue robes but without the trident pin on his collar.

"Lainey Richards? What are you doing here?" He looked tired and pale.

She stepped back. "I work here. What's going on? Why are you and all those people inside wearing robes? Are you part of Mr. Leventis's cult too?"

He looked nervous. "Today I will take the vows and be initiated into the Blood of Poseidon."

"You really believe in Poseidon?"

"I didn't want to believe. For years I thought my parents were crazy. But then I saw the merrowman. Now everything Mr. Leventis has been saying makes sense."

"What the heck is a merrowman?"

Peter looked her in the eyes. "Lainey, you have to listen to me. You need to get away from Eko."

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