Chapter 30

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Eko took a deep breath of the air. The cold oxygen pushed back some of the haze that filled his mind. Already the events in the house were starting to feel like a dream that was slowly wearing off. Had he really connected with the Heart? Used its power? Or was all this just another hallucination brought on by the bloodweed?

"I don't think we should sleep at home tonight," said Lainey. "That's the first place the Blood will look."

He nodded. "But where will we go?"

She bit her lip. "I could call Jocelyn, but I don't want to put her in danger. Plus I don't think she'll pick up at 3am." She was silent for a moment. "There's always The Spray. It's Saturday tomorrow so Grandpa usually doesn't take it out until afternoon. We could run by the house and grab some blankets."

"All right," he said, squeezing her shoulder.

They didn't talk the rest of the way to the cottage. Eko felt some life come back into his body as he moved, but he didn't take his arm away from Lainey. Instead he held her tighter, unwilling to be separated from her again. She seemed to hold him back just as tightly. Perhaps she thought he still needed her support.

Eko waited outside while Lainey crept in the cottage to change and get supplies. He found himself looking at the sky. The stars were half covered by fast moving clouds and there was no moon.

Lainey came out wearing soft pants and a zip up hoodie, her arms full of blankets and pillows. He reached over and relieved her of half the burden. Together they made their way down the road to Twin Harbor.

The harbor was empty and silent except for the boats bobbing in the water. In contrast, their feet sounded loud and intrusive on the docks. They boarded The Spray, and Lainey set about making a bed for them on the floor of the cabin. There was just enough room for them to both fit comfortably. It was cold, and Eko pulled the blanket up to his neck and propping his back up against his pillow.

Lainey let out her breath. "God, I hope Peter made it out of there."

Eko looked up at her. Her body was touching the wall, as far away from him as possible in the small space. "Peter?"

"Peter Kerring. He went with me to find you, but Mr. Ardent discovered us. He interfered so I could get away." She looked at the floor. "He tells me that you know each other."

Eko's Heart started hammering again. "What did he say?"

She focused on him, brown eyes liquid in the starlight. "Things I didn't want to believe. But he showed me pictures. You in the water—"

He sat up straighter. "So you know."

She inclined her chin. "I'd like to know more."

"I can't tell you any more. I wish I could. More than anything. But, it's forbidden to talk about where I come from."

"I think I might already know. There's an ancient city somewhere on the ocean floor. Isn't there?"

He could feel the blood leave his face. How did she know about Atlys? "Did Peter tell you that?"

"I read one of the Blood's documents. It was a translation of an ancient Greek scroll. It talked about the Heart of Poseidon."

Eko nodded, not meeting her eyes. "It's what he wants."

Her lips tightened. "Is it real?"

He didn't answer.

"The way you broke down the door and threw Mr. Leventis against the wall. Could you always do that?"

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