23- Honeymoon pt:3

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First of all, Wish you a Happy new year to all my friends, May your all dreams come true in this new year..❤️

From previous chapter :

" No....Don't "

His hand  traveled here and there...You felt like you're burning.

Then at once he pulled you to the floor and he came top of you...you screamed with that..

" Help me....."

No way you can set free. He almost kissed your neck. He was enjoying the taste of your skin...

" Leave me...you jerk ....." You cried ...a Lot.

" Jungkook ......"

That's all you could say,

-At the same time

*Jungkook's pov*

When I drove the car to where Hawon stay, I could see that she is going somewhere and yeah, she was following someone. It can't be possible, No one here that she knows. I felt like there is something going wrong. I hurriedly Got off from the car and began to follow them. I could ran as fast as I can without letting them disappear from my way, but unfortunately I lost them from my vision. But I didn't give up, I walked along where I can see a subway. Fortunately there was only one way I can see, It was so dark to someone go, It felt like American gang village.

" Whoh..what's this, ?? " I found A purse..Yeas It belongs to her..But where is she?  I felt so scare of her, definitely there is something bad going on.."I should find her immediately"

" Hawon......Hawon....." I screamed her name, but there was no clue.

Then I saw two men coming toward me.

",Hey boy, You have something belongs to us, Better you you give it back to me.." He said something  in a rude tone..Luckily I could understand them since I know a little bit of the language here.

" Hey, This purse belongs to my wife..where is she? "

" wife??? That girl ? " They said and at the movement by blood began to boil.

" What have you done to her...where is she?? " I burst upon to them while yelling them. I remember once I punched at one of them and I just remember A huge pain began to kill me on my back.

Few minutes later...

They dragged me somewhere..suddenly they began to scream...

*Author's pov*

Poor you..what's Happening to you while they dragging jungkook where they dragged you. You lost you strength to even speak, to even breathe..you felt that bastard running his hand all over your poor body..you hardly try to keep you sense. But feeling this unpleasant movement, feeling a jerk touching you could kill you inside of yours.

" L..Le..Let..me..

Ah......Go...goh...." you only say that because that bastard covered your mouth..not by his hand but also by his shitty mouth..yeah...he began to kiss you, nothing you could do..you couldn't even move, because they tied up you..

" heyy......" the other men came there , dragging jungkook with them..he was weak and fell down on the floor..but he clearly saw what's happening there to you...poor you're laying down there and that bastard having the taste of you, the taste of his wife..How a man can stay calmly. Of course not...his blood began to boil..even his pain has swept away..

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