SOL...YWMA [Ch. 26]

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Sooner or Later…You’ll Want Me Again

Previously: “Phil and Isyss can come out for breakfast with me and Cory,” Sandy suggested. I opened my mouth to say just that, but was cut off by Phillip and Cory speaking in unison. “Yes!” “No.” The two men looked at one another pointedly. “Why are you saying no?” Phillip asked in pure perplexity. “Why are you saying yes?” Cory shot back. “Have you and Cory ever dated?” Sandy asked. “No,” I admitted. “Phillip won’t feel like a third wheel because I’m going too,” I announced. “What are you up to? You must’ve thought up some scheme to pull and that’s why you decided to go now. You have something planned. You always do,” Cory explained. “Nope, there are no tricks up these sleeves,” I replied. Cory gave me a look that said he wasn’t buying it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Cory wants me to mess with him, tease him, and leave him wanting more. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Cory enjoys me giving him all my attention; which would explain a lot.

Chapter 26''

As I walked into the restaurant, I gazed around to try and see the trio. When I finally spotted them, I made my way over casually. They didn’t notice me until I was almost ten feet away. Cory raked his eyes over my attire. I decided to go casual and wear a sleeveless, dark gray crop top with high waisted jeans that had small gray crosses all over. My look was complete with dark gray wedge heels.

When I got out of the shower, I didn’t bother straightening my hair, so it’s in its natural, wavy state. It hung past my shoulders to the middle of my back, creating a source of warmth in the cold environment. Phillip hastily grabbed the vacant chair and pulled it out for me; a complete gentleman.

With no surprise, my seat is across from Cory, making Phillip sit in front of Sandy. I sent Phillip a kind, thank you smile, to which he returned with a wink. I giggle and raised the menu, covering my face from Cory’s suspicious gaze. Let’s see…what am I hungry for?

I know what people are probably thinking, “You’re a model, so don’t you just eat salads all day?”. Yes, I’m a model, and yes I do eat salads, but no, not all day. A lot of people don’t realize that you can eat all you want as long as you’re exercising daily and portion yourself.

I ran across a woman whom ate anything she wanted. She ate three meals a day that consisted off burgers, pizzas, and so on. The only thing she did was portion how much she ate, that plus she exercised in the gym every day, and she ended up losing weight.

I felt a foot connect with mine, causing me to look away from the menu. I only saw Cory looking down at his, so I shrugged off the little nudge. I decided on an omelet and let the waiter know what I wanted to drink.

“So Isyss, what are your plans after the wedding?” Phillip asked me after our orders were taken. Hmm, that’s actually a good question. I haven’t planned that far ahead.

I shrugged my shoulders before speaking. “I don’t know yet. I might stay in town a little longer. Depends on how everything turns out,” I answered, trying my hardest not to look at Cory as I said so. I don’t want him, or anyone else, getting the idea in their heads that I’ll stay just for him alone.

“Where do you live?” Sandy asked me before taking a sip from her drink.

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