SOL...YWMA [Ch. 8]

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Sooner or Later…You’ll Want Me Again

Previously: “He’s getting tired of her, so it’s time to break up with her,” Courtney says about Cory, concerning Alona. “But who knows, maybe now that you’re in town, he may delay on finding another girl,” Courtney says nonchalantly. “So when can I read your book Courtney?” I say. Courtney stiffens. “Oh, you wouldn’t like it. It’s all lovey-dovey, not really your style,” she verifies. “I’m willing to look pass that. You’re my bestfriend, and you’ve written a novel good enough to be on own a best-sellers list, so I can bear a few lovey-dovey scenes,” I say to her, acknowledging that I’m willing to read it because she wrote it.“You don’t have to do that,” Courtney answers. “But I want to,” I say. “But you don’t have to,” Courtney says. “But I want to,” I finish directly, furrowing my eyebrows once again in curiosity. Why is she so deadest on me not reading it? “Have you read her book?” I ask Quentin. He smiles and chuckled secretively. “Oh yeah,” he says, laughter in his eyes as he looks at me, then down to Cory. Okay, what’s so funny?

Chapter 8

For the rest of lunch, I kept questioning Courtney about her book, but she kept brushing it off; which caused my curiosity to heighten to its peak. Right now, everyone’s just sitting around the table talking. Well, except Cory, he’s currently outside talking on his cell phone. “That sandwich looks so gross,” Andrea says with distaste as Quentin takes a gigantic bite out of his burger.

I laughed. The only reason she’s saying it looks gross is because she can see the mustard on the burger oozing down onto his plate. Yeah, she hates mustard. She’d literally starve herself if all there was left in the world was mustard covered burgers. Yep…it’s that seriously.

Quentin finished chewing and swallowed the piece of burger that was in his mouth. “Looks can be deceiving,” he says to her before taking the finally piece into his mouth. She turned up her nose as if there’s a bad odor in the air.

“Ugh, mustard breath,” she says while fanning her hand in front of her face. Everyone, except Alona, laughed at this. She spent most of the time either texting on her phone or quietly arguing with Cory about God knows what.

Quentin swallowed and looked at her teasingly. “So I won’t be getting a kiss after this?” he joked with laughter in his eyes. Andrea raised an accusing eyebrow in return, giving a “are you kidding” expression. I looked out the window at Cory. He was finally off his phone and was about to re-enter the café. I quietly got up from the table, excused myself, and headed toward him.

Before he reaches the door, I push it open. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask him. He backs up while nodding his head in agreement. We were standing outside, facing each other now. The cool breeze felt great against my skin, causing my mood to be pleasant and calm.

“What’s up?” he asked me, when I didn’t speak.

“Um…” I started. How do I put this?

He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms, waiting patiently for me to begin. “Have you read your sister’s book?” I ask him, getting right to it.

He looked at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “Do you really think I’d spend my time reading a love story?” he answered my question with a question, raising a single eyebrow in speculation. Well, you could’ve just said no.

“Do you know what it’s about?”

“Romance?” he answered simply, as if it was obvious.

“Wow, thanks Captain Obvious. I would’ve never guessed that,” I praised him sarcastically. Of course it’s about romance! It’s a romance novel! You’re not working with me, Cory.

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