SOL...YWMA [Ch. 10]

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Sooner or Later...You'll Want Me Again

Previously: "Your sister wrote a freaking novel about us. This book is basically our history written down for the world to see," I say. "How are you so calm about this?" I ask Cory. "Because everything in that book happened years ago, I've moved on from it," he answers. "Talk about ironic," Cory mumbles. "What's so ironic about it?" I ask. "That you're having a date with this guy in my restaurant, given our history..." Cory trails off. Cory's over whatever it is that we had back then. I don't blame him; it's been five years after all. Ah screw it, I still want to know. Okay, let's see if I can get some information about Cory out of this. I flip to the chapter one, and begin reading...

Chapter 10

So, it's now Tuesday. Yep...Tuesday. What did I do yesterday? Read some of Courtney's book. Did I find any interesting facts? Not a lick, but maybe that's because I'm still towards the beginning of the book. And in the beginning of the book, Cory, or should I say Calvin, is being his natural womanizer self; which is a bore to me.

So no, I haven't been as dedicated to reading it as I made myself out to be, only because all day yesterday I was helping Courtney with some wedding stuff. I still haven't told her I bought the book Sunday. Speaking of Sunday, I haven't seen Cory since then.

Not that I'm complaining. I don't really have anything else to say to him. He obviously doesn't give two sh*ts about how this book is based on us, so what else is there to talk about. I spent yesterday going over this in my head.

I realized that I'm not acting myself. I've been acting all Cory this, and Cory that, and Cory, Cory Cory; which is ridiculous. I will not waste my time thinking about a guy who has obviously no interest in me anymore, despite what I thought when I first came back a few days ago.

So, as of now, I'm focusing on my best friend's wedding. I'm also focusing on my other best friend, Quentin. I haven't talked to him about his whole situation lately. Maybe I should ask him how he's holding up. Courtney filled me in on some confusion I was having earlier.

Here it is, after graduation, Quentin and Tisha decided on attending the same college and moved into an apartment together, the situation with her happened, causing him to kick her out. Then not even a week later, he's with another girl named Michelle, of who later moved in with him. Yeah, talk about trying to get over the other with another.

Because that relationship happened and moved so quickly, it didn't work out due to the fact that he still hadn't gotten over what Tisha had done. Now he's taking some time being single. I agree with that. Quentin should take some time to focus on himself before jumping into another relationship.

All that conversing happened yesterday. But today is Tuesday. Yep...Tuesday. Which means one thing; lunch with the infamous Mark James. That's right, the actor Mark James wants to have lunch with me. I'm still not sure on how to react to it. As of right now, I'm sitting in the guest room at Courtney's house with Andrea, Quentin, and Courtney.

"Definitely this one," Courtney holds up a blue jean jacket that has fabric patches on it...very vintage.

"Yeah if she's gonna be in an 80s movie," Andrea jokes, while walking out of the closet with dresses. "I think she should wear a dress," she states while throwing some dresses on the bed. Yes, they're helping pick out something to wear for my encounter with Mark James.

"Why am I here?" Quentin questioned softly, more to himself.

"Because we need a male's opinion," Courtney verifies while picking up another jacket. "A dress will be too formal. She may as well wear a neon sign on her forehead say 'I'm trying to impress you'," she says to Andrea.

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