NCIS Chapter 9

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NCIS Building

Gibbs' POV

Tony just let me know that he will go with Ziva to hospital to see Lily Archer. I hope that she will consider about whatever to join this team, because we need someone like her. Tim try everything he can to get more information about her, but there is so limit information about her. I drink my black coffee, and think about Lily, because I knew that she was so hard to be open up. Anyway, I go downstairs to see Abby, and I bring her Caf-Pow!

Abby's POV

As I work really hard to give Gibbs my everything, he show up, with my most favourite drink of those all, CAF-POW!!!!!!!! I thanks him, and go to my computer, hoping to reveals more information about Lily, because Tim have no luck. I told Gibbs that I shall go to store after work today, to buy Wolf stuffed animal for her, well with fart sound, just like Bert the Hippo. Gibbs chuckle quietly, and told me "will she even like wolf"? I told him "I don't assume, I just knew, because she is sliently, strong, and leader, I guess". He told me "so true, and you can left early today, because there's not lot of cases". He left, and I grab Bert the Hippo, and squeeze it, and he make fart sound. I leave him in my Lab, go to store.

Ziva's POV

Tony, and I return from the hospital, because we figure out that Lily Archer need more time to think. I settle down on a comfort chair at my desk. I look at a picture of I, and her, but I can't remember when did that taken place... She was wearing Marine clothes, which I assume that she was leaving, go to Afghanistan. We were happy in that picture. She have her right arm around my right shoulder, and my left arm around her left shoulder. I grab that picture, and look at it, and Tony walk toward me, and ask "is that Lily Archer"? I told him "yeah, but I can't remember where, and when did that taken place"....


Lily's POV

I was looking though my Marine clothes, when something fall out of it's pant, and I pick it up. I unfold it, to find out that there is phone number written on it. I wondered how it get in there. I can't remember where, and when I get this paper with phone number written there. I look at the window, and think to myself "where is that woman right now"?


Abby's POV

As I enter the store, to look for Wolf stuffed animal with fart sound. I look for it, but I can't find it. I get really ponder about where it is at. I remember the area where I find Bert the Hippo, and buy it, maybe it's there. I walk toward that area to find stuffed animal, wolf with blue stripe, along with white fur. I think and decide to test it to see if it have fart sound. Turned out that wolf have fart sound! I walk toward checkout, and pull my wallet out, and give some cash to cashier, and thanks. Cashier put wolf in plastic bag. I left the store, feel good!!

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