NCIS Chapter 33

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Interrogation Room

Lily's POV

I look down to the ground to find stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf, and I pick it up, even though that my hands are chained, and cuffed. After see everyone at one way through window, it become little too much for me, because I had hurt them one time too much. I broke down, and cried really bad, because I don't realized that I'm safe, and away from my cruel, and practically asshole father... Someone enter this room, and settle down across from me. I look at her, and she have this stuffed white fur with blue stripe wolf with her. I told her "I'm sorry." She told me "don't be sorry, you just don't know."

Flashback to when NCIS Rescue Lily

Ziva's POV

As I'm in this position where I have to make difficult decision, where I have to do tornado kick, or let her kick me away. Lily run forward, take a spin, backflip, but as she was about to do a kick, I decide to do a tornado kick, just to ensure that we're both safe. She fall down to the ground, and I felt bad for her, and myself at same time, because I basically hurt my close friend. I get on my knees, as Gibbs put his hand on my shoulder, and tell me "it's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission, it's ok, because you have to do what you did". I told him "I can't forgive myself because look at her, I had hurt her." He told me "Ziver, she will forgive you, but first thing first, you have to forgive yourself before you can forgive her". I sighs, as I knew that Gibbs was right, I grab my backpack, and pull out a blanket, and cover her, as Gibbs carry her. Tony have to cuffed her, just for ours, and her's safety. 

Present, Interrogation Room

Ziva's POV

"It's shall not be you who say sorry, it's me...." Lily look up at me, and she told me "it's not your fault, it's mine, because I chosen to go with my parents it's Canada's law say so. I want to stay with my mom, but my dad...he taken me away from her." I felt bad for her, as she told me "I forgive you, but I don't know how to forgive myself, not after what just happened." I told her "I was lot like you, when I first arrive. My father...he also is asshole just like your father, and I want to go with my mother, but he want me to stay around... He take me, my half-brother, Ari away from my mother, and my younger sister, Tali. I don't see them until the day when I heard that Tali died in suicide bombing, and I was heartbreaking, because she was the one who I take care of."

Lily's POV

I am surprised, and told Ziva "where is your mother now?" She told me "I don't know, because I don't see her since the day my father took me, Ari away from her." I told her "have you lose your faith?" She told me "some of them, but not all, because if I lose all of my faith, I would not be here, I could have been assassin, don't know who you are, but I'm glad that I don't lose them at all." I smile, and told her "same, oh and here are your." I give stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf to her, as she give me mine back. I told Ziva "I'm sorry that I can't contact you, because of my father, let me tell you some of what happened to me."

Flashback, Two years ago, Canada

Lily's POV

As I was taken away from my mother, Jaelyn by my father, Jeremy. Soldiers threw me into their black truck, as I was trying to contact Ziva, but my father already discovered, and he destroyed it. He teared paper up in front of my eyes, I was like "I want to contact her to let her know that I'm ok".... I decide to take her stuffed black fur with red stripe wolf, and squeeze her, let me know that she was here in my heart...


Lily's POV

I told her "since that day, I trying to find a way to contact you, my father found out each time, and I give up yeah, but I still don't lose any of my hope, or my faith." Ziva told me that she and Tony are in a relationship, and I told her "congratulation to you two, I knew all along that you will be together." She smile, and told me "and we have our first kiss..." I told her "at least you found each other through love."

Another Interrogation Room

Gibbs' POV

I enter this interrogation room, and there settle down is Lily's father Jeremy, and he is such a son of bitch. I settle down on chair across from him, as I open file on him. He told me "I want to see my daughter". I told him "nope, because she already lose her trust in you". He get really angry, and I told him "you will be in jail for kidnapping, tortured, and beating a federal agent". He told me "federal agent"? I told him "your daughter is a part of our team so therefore, she is a federal agent". Jeremy told me "but she not federal agent yet, so"..... I told him "I TRYING TO GET HER A PART ON MY TEAM BUT JENNY SHEPARD REFUSED"!!! He just laugh at me, as he told me "Jenny Shepard refused because she was there the day our daughter, Lily was born".

Flashback to when Jaelyn give birth to their daughter

Jaelyn's POV

I told my doctor "I can't do this". She told me "don't worry, everything will be ok, your husband will be here soon". I'm forward to meet our new daughter, but I knew that this law say: "each, and every child birth to families will have to enroll into military". Jeremy show up, told me "I'm here, darling, I'm here". Doctor told me to push, and I did it, as I hold my husband's hand really tight, so that it become white. She told me "one more, and she will be here". I did it, and we both can heard her crying. Nurse wrapped her into pink-blue blanket, and told us "it's beautiful baby girl".

Jenny Shepard's POV

I stand by the window, as new parents, Jeremy, and Jaelyn Archer have new baby daughter. Jeremy walk toward me, and told me "Jaelyn have to give our daughter up, because she can't stand to see her into military". I told him "what is the name of your daughter"? He told me "her name is Lily Faith Archer". I told him "I will remember that". 


Gibbs' POV

I was disbelief, now that Jeremy told me about Jenny Shepard... Camera recorded everything, so I told him "but that's impossible, Jenny was with me at Paris". He told me "she could have left you during that time to be with me". I told him "well, you can't see your daughter until she felt ready to see you". I left him be in Interrogation Room. As I closed the door, I stand in the hallway, stare at a wall, Tony walk toward me, and he put his hand on my shoulder. He told me "Jeremy, and Jenny Shepard see each other"? I told him "I don't know what to think".

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