NCIS Chapter 18

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Abby's POV

I'm freaking out, cause murder weapon which killed Petty Officer Jennifer Lopez, have DNA. I told them "where is Gibbs, cause he would want to know". He come in, with black coffee, as I told them "DNA on our own murder weapon belong to...." Tony, Ziva, and Tim hate when it come to suspicious, when I stop my talking. Gibbs told me "well, Abby"? I finally told them "it's belong to man who name was John Bryant, he served time in jail for robbery, but was released last year"...

Gibbs' POV

I'm confused about why will Abby stop talk after she say that this John Bryant was released last year, after he served time in jail. She also told us that the problem is that John Bryant, and our own Lily Archer were classmate during her high school year. We're all shocked, but that's impossible for our Lily Archer to have her classmate, John Bryant during her high school, just before she dropped out. I told Ziva to bring John Bryant in, Tony to bring Lily Archer in, and please told her that she's not in any trouble, we just want to question her, and Tim, please check this John Bryant's bank account.

Ziva's apartment

Tony's POV

Ziva was nice enough to borrow me her apartment key, in case I need it. As I enter her apartment, I noticed that her door is open, which is strange, cause she always locked it, so I pull my gun, and break in. Oh my gosh, her room is messy, couch is turn over, things is on the floor, some of those are expensive, but broken. I noticed Lily's book is on the floor, and I think to myself "is John Bryant got to her, and kidnap her"? I decided to call Ziva, when my phone make those ringing ringing sound, and I answer.

Ziva's POV

I decide to call Tony, cause I can't find this John Bryant, and it getting really frustrated me out, and I hope that he have lucky with Lily. I told him "do you have any luck find Lily Archer"? He told me "well Ziva....your place is mess right now".... I told him "how about Lily, is she ok"? Tony told me "well...... I think John Bryant kidnap her"... I was surprised, and upset at same time, cause I could have let Lily know, and she can able to defend herself..... I told him "we will go to Bullpen to let Gibbs know ok, Tony". He ended our call, and I can't help myself, but think "it's my fault, I shall have stay with her".....


Tim's POV

I was check this John Bryant's bank account, and I was surprised now that he withdraw around $10,000 in total. Why in the hell would he need $10,000 dollars!? Gibbs walk toward me and say "bank account"? I put it up on the board, and say "he withdraw $10,000 dollars from his bank account, I think he was plan his disappearance". I also told him "by the way, Tony, and Ziva are on their way here to tell you something".

Gibbs' POV

I hope that Tony, and Ziva return alive, with John Bryant, and Lily Archer. I look at her desk on my left, and sit there is her stuffed wolf animal, look after this bullpen, but I don't know why would she left it behind.


Ziva and Tony's POV

We both failed to bring John Bryant and Lily Archer back....

Ziva's POV

I'm angry at myself, and blame myself for being not there to protect Lily Archer, and same time, I have nobody to blame but myself, cause I failed to bring John Bryant in. Tony press emergency button to stop the elevator. I look down at the floor, felt mixed emotions of confused, angry, and possibly love.

Tony's POV

As I press emergency button to stop the elevator, cause I can see Ziva blame herself in her eyes. I told her "it's not your fault that you didn't bring John Bryant in, and Ziva, look at me". She make eye contact with me, and told me "yeah it is, and I don't know why". I told her "you can't blame yourself, and make yourself miserable, cause I can't bear to see you this miserable, and it's ok to release, and let your emotions go, I'm here to help you out". I think to myself "I think I'm falling in love with her"".

Ziva's POV

I think to myself "why is Tony so kind to me, and I think that I'm falling in love with him". I told him "why did you this willing to help me out, I shall not reveals my emotions, cause of my father, and Mossad forbidden everyone to not reveals their emotions". He told me "you are not like your father Ziva, you are not like your father, the reason why I'm willing to help you out is that".... I told him "I love you".

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