NCIS Chapter 22

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Previously on United to be a Family

Lily find her parents or her parents find their daughter, and Lily tell her team the trust about her past, and where the hell are David, and Batya?

Present, other side of the world

Nobody's POV

I remember, being young 8 years old boy, and my sister, Batya was 7 years old girl, together we both lost our parents to suicide bombing. We're being bring to Marine base, and we both met Deaf woman, and her name is Lily Archer. I don't know where Batya is at right now, cause after what just happened, we're been running away, and we're separated right now. It's being long time for me, because I am forced to grew up way too fast. I want to find Lily, and tell her that it's all her fault that she failed to look after us. I'm this courage, never give up, and surly fighter, who worked for bad group. My name is David Garlock, and I promise to my sister that I would find her!

NCIS, Bullpen

Jaelyn, and Jeremy's POV

We both want our daughter to return to Canada with us, so we all can lives our life, so we decide to let Director Jenny Shepard know. We're sweetheart in our high school years. All of suddenly, my wife, Jaelyn was pregnant with our daughter, but at same time, we're not ready to be a parents yet, because we both were almost finish with high school at that time. Now, we both stand in front of our own daughter, Lily Archer, and her team, who just become her family.

Lily's POV

I'm basically thunderbolt that my parents are here, alive, cause I was told that they're dead. My team acting protectively over me, because I never experience what family feels like. Tony, Ziva, Tim, Abby felt confused right now, but Ducky felt kind of angry-sad, and Gibbs felt really shocked. Gibbs told me that my parents' name were Jeremy, and Jaelyn Archer. I yelled "no, no, no!!!! that's impossible!!!!!!!!" I bolt off, upstairs to gym.

Ziva's POV

I felt really bad for Lily, cause for the whole of her life, she don't know who, and reason why her parents give her up. I have feeling that she need someone to comfort her, because I had the same experience. I told Gibbs, and he nods. I silently sneak off, and go upstairs to the gym, and I ended find Lily on the ground, her face is on her knees. I walk toward her, and get on the ground, and tap her on her right shoulder.

Lily's POV

I felt someone tap me on my right shoulder, and I look up, and there is Ziva, settle down beside me. She told me "I lost my younger 16 years old sister to suicide bombing in Israel, and her name was Tali David." She also told me that they're close. I told her "I'm sorry for your loss, but I don't understand why my parents give me up for no reason." She told me "my parents, they're fighting all the time, my mother, she want me to come and live with her, and Tali, but my father, he want me to come with him, to become a Mossad assassin, and that's hurt like hell, because at Mossad, they forbidden everyone to not reveals their feelings, and that's suck." I told her "same, cause of David, and Batya, even though that I don't know where they are..."

USA, but where?

Nobody's POV

I remember being separated from my brother, David, and I was wander off, and ended being find by a young couple who I would call them my mom, and dad later. Together, we all moved to United States of America, and I remember being introduced by Deaf woman, and her name is Lily Archer in Afghanistan. Right now, I'm working for coffee shop, and I still have no idea where my brother, David is... I'm wish that I can tell Lily that everything is happened is not her fault. She did not failed to help children just like us, because she though that we deserved a education. I'm this compassionate, ambitious, and generous person, and I think that Lily is this considerate, courageous, and empathetic person, because she never give up on us. I wish that I can told her in person...

NCIS Bullpen

Jenny's POV

I told Gibbs "can we talk alone"? He sighs in frustrated, and nods. He told his team to keep eye on Lily's parents. Together, we walk toward the elevator, and I press emergency button on him. I told him "her parents want Lily back to them, because they already regretted lose her once".

Gibbs' POV

As Jenny told me, I told her "regretted lose her, you means they regretted give her up for no reason! I can't make my team to see Lily gone once again, cause we are her freaking family!! She's act like she's my kid since Kelly's death"..... I told her "please don't make them take her away from us". But Jenny told me "so, they have right to take her into their custody, and I know that Lily is Deaf, but her parents want her to be hearing". I told her "for good God's damn sake, please don't change who she is, because she already embraced who she is, and she's part of our family, no matter how different she is from us! Family is more than just DNA".....

Tony, Tim, Abby, and Ducky's POV

Gibbs told us to keep our eyes on Lily's parents, cause you might never know that they might be bad guys. Abby felt really anxiously, because who know that they might take Lily away from us. Tim try to comfort her, and Ducky felt really angry, cause why would they give her up... I notice that Ziva is gone, but I figure out that she's with Lily. Elevator make sound as Gibbs, and Jenny exit from it. We figure out that our boss is angry at Director of NCIS. We all felt bad for our boss, because he work really hard to kept Lily around here...


Lily's POV

I told Ziva David "what would happens?....." She told me "I don't know, but I knew that we will try our hardest, and our best to keep you around here, because you're this courageous, persistent, sympathetic, and reliable person." I told her "and you're this courageous, energize, fantastic, knowledgeable, and legendary person, because you take me into your wings, and you teach me everything you know there is to about."

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