NCIS Chapter 10

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Lily's POV

I would be release from the hospital tonight, but I decide to wander off around the hospital floor. I come across a room, full of children play with toys, and stuffs, and that trigger a memory of my own.

Flashback, before I was captured.

Lily's POV

I was look for two children who escape from group of terrorists. That child was girl, and her name was Batya. Another child was boy, and his name was David. Together, they escaped from them, because they want their education, and I was responsible for all children included them, help them get their education that they need. They're nice, young children, and they accept me for who I am. I can't find them...


Lily's POV

What cause me to get out of my memory was a child give me her toy, and I look around for staff, or her parents. She offer her hand to me, and I gladly take, and she lead me to small table. She was around 3, or 4 year olds. She show me her drawing, and write her name on it. Her name was Kiva, and in my mind "her name means Protected in Hebrew". She give me smile, and I smile back. Staff show up, and say "it's time for you to leave". I nods, and was about to left, when Kiva give me her drawing, and say "keep it". She smile, then left.

Abby's POV

I arrive at hospital to see Lily Archer, but I don't see her in her room, so I decide to check in with nurse who was responsible for her. She told me that she was at children's hospital room. I thanks her, and walk toward that room, when I find her, hold little girl's drawing, as she left. She appear to me, and say "you know sign language?" in sign language. I told her "yeah, I do, because my parents are Deaf." in sign language. She told me that "she was released tonight, and she don't have anywhere to go." in sign language. I told her "have you think about join our team?" in sign language. She told me "yeah, I want to, but I don't know who woman and man's names was rescued me, and I want to write them a thanks you cards." in sign language.

Lily's POV

Abby told me that man, and woman's name was Tony DiNozzo, and Ziva David. I told her "Ziva David?" in sign language. She told me "yeah, Ziva David, you knew her?" in sign language. I told her "I felt like I does but I don't, and I find something in my marine pant, and that's paper, with phone number written on it." in sign language. I told her "what you have in this plastic bag?" in sign language. She told me "this is for you, and I don't know if you like this, but here." in sign language. I told her "what is your name, mine is Lily Archer." in sign language. She told me that her name is Abby Sciuto. I take plastic bag, and open it, and told her "no way, you don't!!!" in sign language. I take stuffed animal white fur wolf with blue stripe out of plastic bag. I told her "how did you know, I wait for this since I was little kid!" in sign language. I squeeze, and it make fart sound. Abby told me "lucky I guess, I take wolf is your favourite animal?" in sign language. I told her "yeah, wolf is my favourite animal, and thank you once again." in sign language. Abby smile, and told me that NCIS Building is around 10 mins walk from here, and she left. I go to hospital room, and start to pack my stuffs, ready for my new journey. In my marine shirt, there is a picture of myself, little girl, and little boy. I wrap my arms around little girl, little boy, and we're smile, because I helped them get their education.

NCIS Building

Abby's POV

I go to see Gibbs to let him know that Lily Archer will join our team, when Ziva, Tony, and Tim is there. I told them "where is Gibbs"? They told me that he's upstairs with Director Shepard. I told them "why"? They told me that they're discuss whatever to let Lily Archer join this team or not, and we all want her join, but director Shepard disagree. I told them "oh"..... I noticed that Ziva have picture of herself, and Lily Archer, and I ask her "you knew her"? She told me "I don't know, but I felt like I did, why"? I told her "I told Lily Archer about your, and Tony's name, because she want to write you guys thanks card, and she appear to be remember your name, and she told me "Ziva David?" She seems to be triggered by your name, and she try to remember who you are". Ziva told me "I hate being not remember everything about her". I told her "don't worry, we're here to help you".

Gibbs' POV

I got in fight with Jenny, to convince her to let Lily Archer join our team, because table on my left is empty, but she disagree. I sighs, and say "this woman have nobody to call her friends/or family, and no place to call her home". I also told her "I think she knew who Ziva David is, because I don't know, they're used to be close friend before, but Ziva's struggle to remember who she is, and Lily was too". I left Jenny to her thoughts, and walk downstairs to our bullpen. Abby told me that Lily Archer will join our team, but I told her "we have to wait for director's approves on this". She told me "where will she sleep, because I told her to come here, cause it's 10 mins walk away from the hospital"? I told her "don't worry, we'll figure out".

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