Get it Right

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Sorry I haven't updated in a loooong time. 

You know how Peter's death scene kind of became a meme? What if it did in his world too? Two separate stories marked with **** Also there is a Marvel marathon on tbs right now and I watched Avengers Age of Ultron, just watched Ironman, currently am watching DR. Strange, and next Captain America Civil war is on. It's a good life. Peter died with his mask on BTW.


I have been back from the snap for four months now. 

School started up again last week. 

Luckily none of my friends died from school died during the snap. 

Aunt May did die though. 

Tony, or should I say, Dad, helped me through it all. 

So did the other Avengers. They became more like my uncles and Aunts. 

Bucky, Steve, Natasha, and Clint especially. 

I sit at my desk, Flash has become slightly less annoying after the whole incident, but still annoying none the less. 

Him and the other student's chatter. 

Ned is talking to MJ and me about legos. I'm listening for the most part. Flash and some of his goons are standing in the very front of the classroom. 

A little while ago the footage from my death was released to the public. For some reason, a couple people found it funny. 

"Mr. Stark..." 

Flash says. 


"I don't feel so good," 

I freeze. 

Ned stops talking and stares at me along with Mj. 

My breathing quickens. 

No no no no no. 




I can feel my body being torn apart. 

Flash falls against one of his goons.

Like I fell against Dad. 

His goon lowers him to the ground. 

"I don't want to go, I don't want to go, I don't want to go," 

"S-S-Stop," I say. 

Only Ned and MJ hear me. 

They continue to lay on the floor. Mumbling the words. 

"NO!" I yell. 

My body shakes uncontrollably. 

I can only feel the pain of my organs being ripped apart. 

I can hear a couple gasps. 

But I ignore it. 

I hear a loud boom. 

A soft hand on my shoulder. 

I calming voice. 

Deep breathes. 

Slowly the pain fades and for a moment I think I am back in the soul stone. 

But then my vision comes back. 

I'm in a classroom. 

"Dad," I whisper. 

My voice hoarse. 

"It's ok Peter, It's ok, just breathe, you're safe. You came back," 

I grab on to my dad and hug him tight. 

"Let's get out of here," the two of us leave. My confused classmates stand in shock. 

The next day when I came back I acted as if nothing ever happened. 

They were still very confused. 


Flash stood in the front of the class. 

The teacher wasn't in the room. 

"I don't feel very good Mr. Stark," Flash says. 

I glare at him. 

"At least get it right," I say louder than intended. The class looks at me confused, "It is actually Mr. Stark... I don't feel so good," 

"How would you know Penis," 

I chuckle. 

"I am Spider-Man," I say standing up from my desk. 

I shoot a web towards the window and break through the glass. The next day when I came back to school my classmates tried to ask me questions but I ignore them. 

SpiderMan Avengers One shots Dad!TonyWhere stories live. Discover now