Makeup or Break up

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Requested by Stuckyyyyyyyy 

Sorry if that is not the right amount of ys



School finally got out today. However school was awful it felt never-ending, also Flash was being extra mean because he won't see me until next school year. I take another bite of ice cream and smile, it is so good. Dad has some meetings today and will not be home until dinner. That is ok though because he said we could watch a bunch of movies and hangout in the lab to celebrate. Dad tried to convince mom... but it didn't work.

"Please Pepper, it is his last day of school!" Dad begged with puppy dog eyes. Pepper stood in front of her childish husband with her arms crossed over her chest and a glare that could kill.

"No, Tony! This is an important meeting, you already missed the first five!" She snapped at Dad making me chuckle.


"No Tony. If you skip it no lab for the whole summer!" Pepper threatened with anger evident in her voice.

"NO! MOM! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! DAD GO TO THE FUCKING MEETING!" I screeched, not wanting my dad to be banned from the lab, because then I might as well be too.

"Language kid. And fine," Dad replies sending me a slight glare.

"Sorry. Father go to the fucking meeting!" Tony and Pepper just glared at me and I went back to eating my spaghetti.


I hear the elevator sliding open and freeze. Dad isn't supposed to be home for 2 hours! I hear a loud voice that sounds straight from the PSA's. Oh hell it's Captain America! My eyes are wide and I drop my bowl on the ground and fall off of the couch with a bang. I hear footsteps walking into the room, but can't see anything as my face is smooched on the ground. I hear the footsteps walking a little further and then stop.

"Ummm..." He here's a voice that sounds kind of like Clint say in confusion.

"Oh, hey guys! Big fan! Wow this is not how I thought the first time actually meeting you would be," I mumble and slowly push myself up off the ground. As I push myself up I spot my bowl of icecream laying on the ground, "Oh snickerdoodles!" I wine.

"Who is this kid?" The metal arm dude, Bucky I think, mumbles to Steve and the guy with sings, Sam I think.

"I already told you that! I'm Peter! You're Bucky right, and Sam? I like your arm by the way, it's pretty sick," I ramble and then pick up my bowl of icecream and put it on the counter like the good boy I am.

"Da-" Shoot, "Daaaaaa," I say trying to cover up the mistake, "Mr. Stark should be home in... FRIDAY when will Mr. Stark be home." No response. "FRIDAY?" No response. "Come on man!"

"Mr. Stark informed me not to respond if you call him 'Mr. Stark,' unless it is an emergency. Also I am a Female replacement intellegence digital assitant youth, not a man," FRIDAY responds with as much sass as an AI can.

"Uhg, well he said he would be home around dinner," I say to the group of shocked and confused superheroes.

"Also I still don't fogive you for hurting my-" I clear my throat, "Mr. Stark." Steve frowns and guilt almost fills his eyes.

"I don't forgive myself either," He mumbles, this time I raise an eyebrow. Bucky puts a hand on his friend's shoulder, I can't help but wonder if they are more than friends (I put it in because of the person that requested it username :)).

"PETER!" I hear a voice yell from the hall. My smile waivers slightly... what di dI do this time?
"I told you not to leave your web-shooters on the table, Pepper gets mad that they are there and then she gets mad at me becuase you are too much of a small bean to get mad at!"

"Sorrry, Mr. Stark!" I yell back, blushing slightly. The Avenger's eyes flicker in realizationas they stare at me.

"Hey! What happened to dad!" He screams and I face palm, still blushing. Moments later he appears in the commons and freezes. "Captaion," His voice is cool and filled with anxiety.

Steve looks over at Tony and frowns slightly, "Tony, I'm so sorry. I was... scared. Last time someone had complete control of something... well it didn't turn out good. I was scared that what happened to Bucky would happen to you... alll of us. I know I should have told you a long time ago, and I understand if you can't forgive me, but pleas please try to understand what I'm saying. I'm sorry Tony." The room goes quite and everyone stares at Steve and Tony.

"I've made a lot of mistakes too, Steve. I wish you would of told me a year ago... but... I forgive you," Tony and Steve take a couple steps towards the middle of the room. Tony sticks out his hand and Steve shakes it.

"Thank you, TOny," He whispers. Dad nods.

I hear high heels click on the floor and Pepper walks in with a smile on her face, "Welcome back everyone!" She walks over to Natasha and gives her best friend a big hug. I can't help but smile myself.

Steve walks away from Dad and takes a step towards me. I just stare at him in shock. "So you're Spider-Man?" He questions, "You have a lot of skill, Queens. Want to train with me sometime?"

My mouth falls open. Holy hell Steve Rogers, world war two veteran, asked me to train with him. Without thinking I throw my hands around Steve and give him a big hug.

"I would love to!" Oh, wait did I just do that, I quickly let go and put my hands behind my back, "Sorry, Mr. Captain America sir," I say and salute him. He laughs and so do the other Avengers and Dad says something to Tony about saving that recording to Precious Peter Moments making me blush even more.

"Call me Steve,: He says with a smile.

I look over to dad, "Oh my god! Ned is going to freak out! Oh my god! THis is the best day of my life!" I bounce over to my dad and give him a hug. He chuckles and returns the hug.


"TONY WHY ARE THERE WEB SHOOTERS ON THE TABLE!" Pepper yells. Tony's face goes pale and he looks over to me, I just laugh.

"I hate you." He says and then flips me off. I feign hurt and watch as Dad slowly shuffles out the door to meet his doom. 

SpiderMan Avengers One shots Dad!Tonyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن