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A part two was requested for this but part one is in my other one-shots so the first part of this chapter will be part one of lullaby. 

REQUESTED (I don't know a lot about silver fox, sorry) 


Peter stood in the middle of the road in his Spider-Man suit, robots surrounding him. He could here the chatters of his team mates from over the comms. Peter shot a web at one robot and swung it around causing it to hit a dozen others. Then he heard an awful wailing noise, it could only be identified as the cry of a baby. Peter pushed through the circle of robots and ran towards the screams of the child. As Peter approached the source of the sound he saw a small baby with dirt on it's face and wearing a ripped onesie. Peter could feel tears prick at the back of his eyes as the helpless child laid screaming out, and a dead women laying sprawled out on the concrete, the child's mother. Quickly Peter picked up the crying baby and cradled it in his arms. Shhh. Peter whispered to the kid.


Natasha placed the baby in a crib in the large room. The other Avengers sat around the couches in the room quietly while staring at Natasha and Peter who stood besides the crib. Peter brushed the baby's face and is wailed. Natasha looked over at Peter, and Peter nodded. They didn't need to talk to understand what they where about to do.

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's green
When you are king, dilly dilly,
I shall be queen

Peter and Natasha's smooth voices mixed together creating the perfect lullaby. The babies wails quitted slightly, but tears fell down the baby's face.

Who told you so, dilly dilly,
Who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly dilly,
That told me so

Call up your friends, dilly, dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plough, dilly dilly,
Some to the fork

Natasha hummed and Peter ran his hand through the babies hair. The babies wails turned to sniffles.

Some to the hay, dilly dilly,
Some to thresh corn
Whilst you and I, dilly dilly,
Keep ourselves warm

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's green
When you are king, dilly dilly,
I shall be queen

The only voice to be heard is the humming of Peter and Natasha's voice that set a peaceful mood across the room. As they sang the last chorus the babies eyes fluttered closed,

Who told you so, dilly dilly,
Who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly dilly,
That told me so

The baby that was once wailing laid quite in the cradle sound asleep, Natasha and Peter's voice faded out and silence again took over the room. Peter and Natasha smiled at each other and then at the baby again. Peter and Natasha both placed a kiss on the young child's head and then turned around. Natasha and Peter smirked at the sight. The Earth's mightiest hero's sprawled out among couches in a nursery fast asleep from the tune of a lullaby. 


PART TWO (Peter is 26 the baby is now 14)

"Peter your back!" The teen said excitedly, popping up from the couch and going to hug her brother. 

"Hey, Silver. How are you?"  Peter responded with a small smile. She stepped away and grabbed his arm tightly, pulling him down to the labs. 

Once they arrived Silver moved a few things around her lab table and opened a drawer. Inside the drawer was a shiny briefcase, like the one that was used for his Spider-Man suit years and years ago. She clicked a few buttons and the case opened revealing a black leather suit, kind of like Natasha's, with a green baggy hood hanging off the back that had yellow details. She also had an eye mask for her face. 

Peter stood there for a minute taking in the appearance of the suit and then looking down at his sister. His smile was bigger than usual and she also seemed happier than most days. The door opened, suddenly, Tony walking in. "Hey Pete," He said walking over giving him a hug. 

"Hi Dad, SIlver is just showing me the suit. It looks nice." Tony nodded. 

"Dad won't let me go out yet though. Not without you." Silver said looking over to Peter. Tony glared at her slightly before walking away to another side of the lab. 

"I'll go out with you now. Just to make sure you don't kill yourself," Peter smiles slightly at the end and Silver rolls her eyes. 

"You know I'm smarter than you and probably stronger." Silver snaps crossing her arms. This was much more like her. Peter rolled his eyes in response and even scoffed. 

"We will see. We will see." He said, more to himself. He walked over to one of the display cases and grabbed his suit walking into the attached bathroom to change. 

When he came back out Silver was already dressed and had a few weapons strapped to various parts of her body. Peter walked over to the window and pushed it open. Silver grabbed onto his side and they swung out the window laughing, barely even saying goodbye to Tony. 

They spent the next few hours taking down low level criminals. Peter was impressed with Sliver's hearing and other abilities. Neither of them had picked up more than a few bruises. Tony would be happy that no one was fatally injured. 

"Peter, did you hear that scream?" Silver said running out of the ally. Peter quickly webbed behind her and followed her to the next sight. 

In the middle of the road were two women dressed in black pointing guns and people around them. Peter and Silver both ran forward, easily taking out the two villains. Once they were done, they heard the whispers of those around them.  

Peter walked over to his sister and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "You did do so bad for a beginner," he teased. 

"I did better than you, old man." She shot back. Peter put up his hands in surrender. 

"Who are you?" Someone called from the crowd. 

SIlver took a minute to think. 

"I am Silver Fox." 


I hope you liked it, sorry I don't know a ton about this character so I hope I didn't do too bad. 

I also altered her costume a little as I'm sure you are aware. 


SpiderMan Avengers One shots Dad!TonyWhere stories live. Discover now