Super Family (2)

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Thank you for all of the truths. I can't use all of them but I'll try my best.


"Bucky! Truth or truth?" Peter says excitedly. 

Bucky lets out a sigh, "Why do you even ask that question, I have no option!" 

"Just answer it!"


"Come on, Bucky," Peter pulled out his puppy dog eyes and made Bucky cave. 

"Truth," Tony suppressed a giggle at Bucky's annoyed voice. 

"Has Steve ever said a bad language word?" Peter asked couriously. Steve's face went red as everyone turned to look at him. 

Bucky answeres with a chuckle, "He swore more than Clint and Tony combined, he was in the army after all!" 

Steve's face turns a darker shade of red as the others stare at him and then begin to laugh. Steve slaps Bucky in the arm and quickly tells Bucky to ask the next question. 

Bucky looks around the room before his eyes settle on Clint, "What happened in Budapest, Nat can answer if she wants." They have never talked about it before but often refrence it. It really pisses everyone off. 

"Well, I was a fairly new agent at SHIELD and I was told to find and kill the Black Widow. I found her in Budapest. After fighting for a while, I realized I didn't want to kill her and talked her into coming with me. The KGB apparently had spies spying on her all around and hear that. So we ended up having to fight off a bunch of crazy people together, even though we were literally just about to kill each other," Clint finishes his story and things seem to click in everyone's head. 

It is like they can finally see the world clearly. 

When Clint was under control of Loki, he and Nat had to fight and then a little while later had to fight off aliens together. Of course, it was slightly different. 

"I have a question for everyone!" Clint exclaims, making the rest of the group groan. 

"When was the first time you lost your virginity, if you have that is," Clint looked at a red faced Steve when he said that part. 

Clint pointed at Natasha to start, "This one guy I was dating while I was in the Red Room," She didn't go into anything very detailed and no one really pushed her on the subject. 

Sitting next to her was Steve his face was about as red as a tomato, "Umm, it was with Peggy in a military storage room near the base... one guy almost walked in on us but we hid behind a shelf," 

Peter just stared at the ground awkwardly, he really didn't want to here about how all of his aunts, uncles, and dad's lost their virginity. 

"It was with this girl, Doloris, I called her Dot, in a empty train cart on the way home from a fair," Bucky said quickly avoiding the eye contact of Steve. 

Steve's face was red and he looked over at Bucky, "Wait..." Steve muttered in confusion. He also was at that fair... 

"Yeah, well, we spent all of our money so we had to jump into this abandonded train cart and then Steve fell asleep..." After Bucky finished the Avengers where laughing and Steve looked as if he was about to throw up. 

Thor looked deep in thought before opening his mouth, "I AM 1,500 YEAR OF AGE, I DO NOT REMEBER THE FIRST TIME I SHARED THE INTAMITE BOND WITH A SOMEONE," 

The Avengers just kind of scoffed and then it went to Loki who said the same thing. Next it was Bruce, "In collage there was this girl I was dating and... yeah. She is dead now," The Avengers face softened and they all tried to comfort Bruce.

He said he was fine and it was Peter's turn. Tony smirked at the kid, "Peter's too innocen-" 

"Two weeks ago," Peter blurted out his face going red. Tony began choking on his own spit as well as Steve and Bucky. Clint and Natasha began laughing while Thor and Loki congradulated him. Bruce just sat their awkwardly trying to forget what his nephew just said. 

"WHO!" Tony screamed making Clint and Natasha laugh harder. 

"My girlfriend, the one that came to dinner the other night, MJ..." Peter said in a baby voice to Tony. Tony put his hands over his eyes and tried to shake the thought out of his head. 

"You used... protection, right?" Tony stumbled making Clint and Nat fall back laughing at the question. Peter just made a wierd face and Tony sat their for a moment. 

Then Tony begins to share his story, "Jenny Sanders, I was 17 years old, and it was in and empty classroom... luckily no one saw the footage," Tony seemed to shutter at the idea. 

"Alright, Steve, when was the last time you told a lie and who was it to,"

"The last time I lied was to all of you... it was about 3 minutes ago and it was that I lost my virginity to Peggy in a military storage unit. We were kissing and then Bucky walked in so we hid behind the racks and then we didn't want to get caught so we left. If Bucky hadn't come in it would have been true," Steve rambled. 

Bucky face was struken with relization, "That's what that noise was!" He exclaimed and then looked over to Steve, "Sorry bud," Steve shrugged. 

"So when was the first time you lost your virginity?" Loki asked from the corner of the room. Steve's face got really red and the others mouths droppen open, including Bucky's.

"YOU'VE NEVER HAD SEX!" Clint yelled and the began rolling on the floor laughing. Steve's face just went a darker shade of red. The others watched as Bucky leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Steve's face went even redder causing the others to laugh once again. 

A couple minuets passed of Steve sitting awkwardly while everyone else laughed at him. Why are some people so mean these days?

After the laughter died down Steve looked over to Tony, "What is your biggest fear, Stark, or what did Wanda (I forgot if she is in this chapter or not) show you," 

Tony's face went slightly pale and he looked around at the other Avengers, Peter sat one of his hands atop Tony's hand that was pushed into the ground, "It was... awful," Tony's voice waivers slightly, "I-It was about all of you. All of you dying besides me, all of you dying becuase of something I did," A tear falls down Tony's face and Peter quickly hugs him, and the others slowly join. 

"1) We aren't dying anytime soon and 2) If we did it could never be your fault," Steve whispers earning humms from the rest of the group. 

They sat like that for awhile forgetting about the game they where playing moments prior. They stayed like that in the small cold shack in the woods long after the storm had stopped. It didn't matter where they were or what they were doing, they would always have eachothers back for as long as they live, and they all lived a very long happy life with each other...

Until Endgame...

Just kidding everyone...



Poor Steve...


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