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I watched Spider-Man Far From Home yesterday... It was so good!! (No spoilers I promise)

Happy (early) Birthday Steve!!! You are 101 years old!! (RIght?) When I looked it up I got two different answers, one being 1920 the other being 1918 but I think 1918 is right. 

Requested by @hpspirit

TW: Abuse, abused orphan


I sit on my bed packing my web-shooters into a backpack to take to the tower for upgrades. I look at my face in the mirror and curse as I see the purple fingerprints around my neck and the small scratch on my face. Of course, I could pass it off as Spider-Man but he gets reports of hen I get a bruise and how so that wouldn't work. 

I walk out of the room and in the one next to mine, "Lily, can I borrow some counselor?" Lily steps off of her bed and motions for me to enter the room. She opens a drawer and pulls out a tube of counselor and begins to apply it over the bruises and the scratch, lightly blotting at it. Once she is satisfied she gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. 

"Promise you won't be late, Peter?" She asks concerned. Last time I was late Miss Wringle didn't feed me for two days and she beat me up pretty bad. The next day my left eye was swollen shut. With a quick nod, I leave the room and straight out the door trying to avoid Miss Wrinkle at all costs. 

Once I reach an alleyway a couple of buildings down from the orphanage I change into my suit and swing to the tower, saving a couple people on the journey. 

After awhile the large tower looms above me and I climb and web my way to the balcony so I can enter without going through security. As I land on the balcony I continue walking towards the door and JARVIS lets me in right away. The doors slide open and I walk in, smiling at the safety the tower brings me. 


"Hey, kid," Tony says as I walk into the lab. He seems to sense whenever I am coming, it is quite odd. He puts down the tools he was using and spins around on his chair to look at me. I feel his eyes looking at my neck and the cut that is covered up by makeup but doesn't say anything and motions for me to take the chair next to him. 

I obey and sit down with a smile and begin rambling about my day while working on upgrades to my web-shooters. Tony listens along and occasionally adds something here or there while working on a suit of his own. 


My eyes begin to droop close and I shoot them open again and code another piece of the robot I started to make after I finished the web-shooters. I glance down at the phone sitting on my desk and turn it on. The time reads 7:46. My eyes widen, my curfew is 7:00.

"I gotta go! Bye Tony!" I say not trying to hide the worry in my voice and grab my backpack before running off. I hear muffled shouts and footsteps behind me but I quickly climb down the tower not worrying to put my suit on and sprint the rest of the way to the orphanage. 

As the old worn-down building comes into view I throw open the doors to find an angry Miss Wringle standing in front of the door, her fist clenched and the other one clenched onto a beer bottle. She takes a large sip then throws the bottle at me. 

I ignore my Peter tingle telling me to catch it and it hits my arm, sending a sharp pain through it. The glass doesn't break until it hits the ground and shatters. She then takes a few steps closer to me and reaches behind me to slam the door closed, shaking the entire home. Out of the corner of my eye I see Robert, he is just a little kid, I quickly cross my fingers and move them back and forth next to my thigh, the single we made to tell each other to go to their rooms and not come out. 

I end up using it the most. He does as I say and is out of sight right before Miss Wringle grabs my collar and hoist me up. I see her fist coming but don't dodge it. Instead, it collides with my noise sending a loud crack through the room. I try to stay quiet, but a small gasp escapes my lip. 

Another punch lands over my eye, and my cheek, and everywhere. I also feel small cuts on my torso and my body drop to the ground. My vision is mostly black and I can barely see anything that is happening. But I can feel all of it. I feel as my body is picked up and slammed into the floor next to me and more kicks and punches land on my body. 

In the distance I can hear a familiar sound... a hum actually. Moments later a loud explosion sounds through the house and the sound of a body flying into a wall. I can barely make out the shiny Iron-Man suit and Tony hosting my body up into the air. I let out a loud groan and try to focus on what he is telling me, but I can't. 

"T'ny?" I ask, I think he hushes me but I'm not quite sure. His face is blurred as well as the sky moving around us. I just want to sleep. I feel my eyes slipping closed and I see Tony's worried face one more time before my eyes fully closed and the world around me turns into nothing. 


3rd person

Tony gently lays the battered Peter on the bed and yells and JARVIS to read him all of his vials, with each sentence he says, Tony's heart drops some more, "Broken nose, 4 broken ribs, severely bruised, multiple cuts, not enough blood, malnourished," 

Tony's heart picks up even more and she looks at the kid desperately trying to bandage his many wounds. Slowly and carefully, Tony cuts Peter out of his shirt and begins to cover the cuts on his torso, starting with the big ones. 

"How much blood has he lost?" Tony asks frantically. 

"He is going to need a transfusion, sir. Luckily your blood seems to match perfectly. It actually seems to appear that you are his biological dad, sir. Congratulations." 



SpiderMan Avengers One shots Dad!Tonyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें