Alone With You ~3~

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Harley and I lay on the bed next to eachother. Despite the warm blankets tempting me into sleep, I stare at the ceiling like my eyes are glued open. I know Harley is just as awake next to me and a thick silence makes my ears ring. 

I was deep in thought my eyes slowly coming to a close when a noise forced them back open. I had barely enough time to roll off the bed and take cover under an old table as sharp debris rained down upon us. It was only then did I register the defining sound of glass breaking and clumsy footsteps stomping around the living room and kitchen, things falling and shattering onto the floor. 

Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Ms. Leeds standing in the kitchen in her nightwear with something clutched in her hand. Ned stands a step behind her, his eyes wide and frozen in place. 

"I'm sorry ma'am," An iconic voice seems to say that makes my mouth fall open. I look over to Harley who seems just as shocked, looking back out of the disastrous apartment I notice a muscular man dressed in red boots and a blue uniform talking to Mrs. Leeds. To his right is a woman dressed in black. 

On the other side of the room is a shiny metal suit with gold accents. Holy shit. 

The voice continues, "Do you have a husband or any other men in this apartment? We got word of a situation from our director." 

"Harley-" I whisper, he quickly slaps his hand over my mouth making a small noise. Black Widow snapped her head and her eyes land on us. She crouches down and Captain America turns to look at her reavealing his clean-shaven face and sharp features. 

Slowly I climbed out from under the table and Harley did the same pulling me slightly behind him. I tried to fight but he wouldn't let me go. Mrs. Leeds eyes open wide and she gasps in surprise. She looks over to Ned and he mumbles a quick explanation. 

"What are you looking for, maybe I can help?" Harley says attempting to cover the fear in his voice. 

Steve swallows and shares a glance with Natasha and Tony. Natasha narrows her eyes and crosses her arms. 

Harley's hand loosens on my arm and I slowly take a step out from behind him, clenching my hands so they stop shaking. 

"Peter-" Harley hisses, but I cut him off. 

"I'm the one you are looking for," I whisper and look down at the ground. Mrs. Leeds gasp as does Ned. Harley quickly shakes his head and stutter over an excuse. 

"But... huh? You're a kid..." Tony says, his mask disappearing from his face. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold out my hand. 

"Peter. Stop." Harley says trying to push my hand down, I move my middle finger and ring finger over the heel of my hand and I can hear the webbing making contact with the wall. I hear a clatter and snap my eyes open. Ned's mouth is as wide as is everyone else in the room. 

Harley grabs my arm and pulls me into his side. I look at Captain America first and notice his vibrant shield at his feet and his jaw hanging open. Natasha still has her arms crossed over her chest and her mouth is pressed together. Tony's eyes are soft and he stares at me curiously. 

Slowly, Natasha presses something in her ear and whispers, "You didn't tell us he was a kid!" 

"Where are your parents, son," Steve asks looking up to Tony and then back to me. 

"At our house," Harley says a little too quickly. 

"Tell us the truth," Natasha says. 

"Dead," I blurt out earning a nudge from Harley. 

Tony drops his eyes to the floor and Steve looks to his shield still laying on the floor. 

"Who do you live with?" Steve asks quietly. 

"We live alone togehter," I whisper. Harley still has an arm clenched onto mine. 

"Brothers?" Natasha questions. I nod and she continues, "How old are you both." 

Harley looks at me and then answers, "I'm 18. He's 15." 

Tony puts his mask back on and Steve bends down to grab his shield. 

"Come with us," Tony whispers, "I promise we won't hurt you."  


That is the story of how we became a family with the Avengers. 

Harley, Peter, Morgan, Tony, and Pepper Stark. 

With a shit ton of Aunts and Uncles. 

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